OoyaoO (ä½ ä»Šå¤©å´©æ½°äº†å—Ž 囧)
2015-12-22 20:38:55※ 引述《a467455 (我愛主播)》之銘言:
: 記者路皓惟/綜合報導
: 急欲補強先發輪值的紅雀隊,目前不打算從自由市場花大錢簽投手,想改走交易的模式,
: 不過紅雀官方部落客雷納德(Easton Leonard)撰文表示,陳偉殷是符合球隊的需求,但
: 想要加盟薪水勢必要大降價。
: 作者在文中指出,他個人偏向選擇利克(Mike Leake),但總管莫札列克(John
: Mozeliak)已經將他移出補強名單,因此在自由市場的投手中,正值30歲顛峰期的陳偉殷
: 是最優質,最能夠符合紅雀的戰力需求。
: 雷納德表明陳偉殷是非常適合球團的人選,但合約價卻是簽約的大關鍵,他指出紅雀隊不
: 會給出5年合約,考慮農場有眾多新秀,他們不久將能慢慢挑戰大聯盟,所以砸大錢簽投
: 手不符經營方針。
: 現在陳偉殷價碼喊上5年1億美元,顯然完全不是紅雀隊的目標,雷納德認為,紅雀願意負
: 擔的價碼大約在4年6600或6800萬美元,只是經紀人波拉斯(Scott Boras)鮮少降價求售
: ,雙方還沒有交集
: 原文網址: 紅雀和陳偉殷沒共識 合約4年6600萬才想簽 | ET運動雲 | ETtoday東森新聞
: 雲 http://sports.ettoday.net/news/617298#ixzz3v31ExxGn
: Follow us: @ETtodaynet on Twitter | ETtoday on Facebook
: PS:6600萬 一年超過16M了 結果boras還不簽
: 會不會 今年只能簽一年8M 跟去年CRUZ一樣呢
Hello Baseball Fans! The St.Louis Cardinals have been linked to Wei-Yin Chen
for the past few weeks! With John Mozeliak saying that the Cardinals aren't
going after a nine-figure contract, that likely takes them out on the bigger
bats, and they obviously need pitching! With the loss of John Lackey to the
Cubs and Lance Lynn to Tommy John Surgery, they need something, whether they
accept the fact or not! Just is the past couple days an article came out that
Chen would be a perfect fit for the Cardinals! Is that true? I personally
like the idea of Mike Leake better, but if Mozeliak is ruling him out, then
Chen would be great! Chen is pretty much at his prime at the age of 30! His
contract would not have to be just huge, in the years, but probably wouldn't
be small in the dollar amount, considering that his agent is Scott Boras! I
do think that Chen would be a good fit, because the Cardinals aren't looking
for a guy to be in the rotation for like 5+ years, they really only have a
big hole for one year with Lynn gone, and after that they have really good
pitching prospects that would be able to pitch in the big leagues! I would
say a 4-year, for either $66M or $68M, would be a good deal for Chen and the
Cardinals, but with Boras being the agent you never know what will happen!
是Easton Leonard自己覺得66-68M/4Y很適合紅雀開給陳偉殷