OoyaoO (ä½ ä»Šå¤©å´©æ½°äº†å—Ž 囧)
2016-05-11 06:29:52※ 引述《scatliu (3)》之銘言:
: 皇家先發投手楊恩(Chris Young)看起來這陣子太不穩定了.
: 教練讓季伊(Dillon Gee)投5.1局是不是準備讓Gee練先發?
: 對王建民而言, 等於是沒有在教練考慮先發的優先名單裡.
: 不過另一方面是不是牛棚少一位競爭者, 王建民比較有上場的機會?
Mike Minor (shoulder) is scheduled to begin a rehab assignment Tuesday with
Double-A Northwest Arkansas.
Advice: He's spent the last couple of weeks appearing in games at extended
spring training. Minor missed the entire 2015 season with a torn labrum and
he struggled with the Braves in 2014, but he was among the best starters in
baseball in 2013. Kansas City is hoping he can become a rotation option by
the end of the month.
前勇士先發Mike Minor也是個先發的選項之一