※ 引述《argus0519 (尿破小便斗的神人)》之銘言:
: 規則4.01【妨礙之定義】
: 攻隊的球員以截遮、阻擋、擾亂、碰撞等動作對防守所構成的犯規行為: 【依棒球規則】
: 2.44(A) (A)妨礙如發生在擊球跑壘員未到達一壘以前,所有跑壘員應返回投手投球時所
: 佔有之壘。【依棒球規則】2.44【原註】 (B)如發生妨礙之前對某位跑壘員有採取行為時
: ,則跑壘員需返回妨礙當時所佔有之壘。所謂採取行為,需有傳球及觸殺動作或明顯追殺
: 之動作。【依棒球規則】2.44【註】 【加註】跑壘員進佔次壘時,故意跑離壘線用身體
: 去截遮、碰觸、阻攔野手接球或傳來之球,則依妨礙守備處理,比賽停止球,該妨礙守備
: 之跑壘員出局,其他跑壘員則依妨礙當時已佔有壘給壘;當野手進行夾殺傳接球守備時,
: 跑壘員故意以跳躍方式去截遮、碰觸、阻攔野手傳出之球,則依妨礙守備處理,比賽停止
: 球,該妨礙守備之跑壘員出局,其他跑壘員則依妨礙當時已佔有壘給壘;若妨礙守備之跑
: 壘員原佔有壘,被後位跑壘員佔有時,其佔有行為屬無效,因原佔有壘權屬妨礙守備之跑
: 壘員所有,故後位跑壘原應退回一個壘。【依棒球規則】7.08(B)【原註二】加註
: 規則4.04【擊跑員、跑壘員妨礙野手守備之處理】
: 野手處理擊出之球時,跑壘員有意或無意碰觸進行守備之野手時,裁判員得宣告跑壘員妨
: 礙守備出局,形成比賽停止球。但位於壘包上方跑壘員,除裁判員認定有故意碰觸處理擊
: 出之球的野手外,否則不宣告跑壘員出局,仍為比賽進行中,但如屬故意妨礙,則宣告跑
: 壘員出局,同時擊球員亦出局。【依棒球規則】7.08(B)
: 4.04甚麼鳥規則,根本裁判的大絕,那以後都驅前防守,跑壘員還要躲你咧
在第61頁6.01 (a)It is interference by a batter or a runner when:
He fails to avoid a fielder who is attempting to field a batted
ball, or intentionally interferes with a thrown ball,
provided that if two or more fielders attempt to field a
batted ball, and the runner comes in contact with one or
more of them, the umpire shall determine which fielder is
entitled to the benefit of this rule, and shall not declare
the runner out for coming in contact with a fielder other
than the one the umpire determines to be entitled to field
such a ball. The umpire shall call the runner out in accordance
with Rule 5.09(b)(3) (former Rule 7.08(b)). If the
batter-runner is adjudged not to have hindered a fielder
attempting to make a play on a batted ball, and if the base
runner’s interference is adjudged not to be intentional, the
batter-runner shall be awarded first base;