: 推 mibbl0: 打板球就只有英格蘭 印度 巴基斯坦 澳洲和南非 加勒比海沒 09/17 16:03
: → mibbl0: 有..... 09/17 16:03
: → cjxx: 委內瑞拉打棒球=\=南美打棒球 在南美很多國家棒球很冷 09/17 16:04
: → cjxx: bolt練田徑以前打板球 加勒比海很多英國殖民地打板球 09/17 16:05
: 推 gn02248917: 自己全部跑去打籃球 再說別人歧視 09/17 16:06
: 推 mibbl0: 那是少數,但要打職業還是要到我說的五個國家之一 09/17 16:07
加勒比海足球最熱門,板球次之 棒球在多明尼加 古巴 波多黎各很熱門
Answer: As in most of the world, soccer (football) is the most popular sport
in the Caribbean. On many islands that are part of the British Commonwealth or
have a history of British settlement (Barbados and Bermuda, for example),
cricket also is very popular.
Baseball is hugely popular in the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Curacao, and
Puerto Rico, and basketball and tennis are widely played, as well. All types
of water sports are obviously popular as well, especially boating, fishing,
diving, surfing, and windsurfing.