※ 引述《taddy0540 ()》之銘言: : 借題發問一下 : 以色列可以召到這麼多的好 : 為何英國不行? : 英國裔祖先的美國人占據美國總人口數的9.0% (第三大) : 以WBC這麼寬鬆的政策下 : 大部份的美國人可能都有資格可以代表英國出賽吧 : 再加上排列於英國裔之前德國裔美國人和愛爾蘭裔美國人 : 這三國真的要徵召的話 : 說不定也是能組成很黃金的陣容 https://goo.gl/o7VVmh http://mlb.mlb.com/pa/releases/releases.jsp?content=1205e WBC的政策真的有這麼寬鬆嗎? 至少,對某些國家而言,是的, 但並非全盤如此 * The player is a citizen of the nation the team represents (additionally, if a player is qualified for citizenship or to hold a passport under the laws of a nation represented by a team, but has not been granted citizenship or been issued a passport, then the player may be made eligible by the WBCI upon petition by the player or team). * The player is a permanent legal resident of the nation or territory the team represents * The player was born in the nation or territory that the team represents * The player has one parent who is, or if deceased was, a citizen of the nation the team represents * The player has one parent who was born in the nation or territory that the team represents NOTE- In the event a player appropriately appears on more than one provisional roster, he may select the team for which he wishes to play 1. 球員有該國國籍 (或具有取得該國籍資格之證明文件經WBC官方認可) 2. 球員有該國永久居留權 3. 球員出生於該國 4. 球員父母之一有或曾有該國國籍 5. 球員父母之一出生於該國 註: 如果被兩國以上列入預選名單,球員可自由挑選代表 (允許轉隊,有過實例: Paul Rutgers 06WBC代表澳洲隊,09WBC代表南非隊) 可以發現義大利、以色列都是因為該國的國籍法訂的很寬鬆, 搭配經典賽的規則才能產生美國二軍陣容 義大利國籍法: 追溯到祖父母 以色列國籍法: 猶太人或娶猶太人、信猶太教 而英國的國籍法只追溯到父母, 在經典賽的規則下,他們徵召了八位巴哈馬選手, 父母出生時,巴哈馬還是英國殖民地, 符合第4點因此可以代表英國參賽 如果下一屆MLB官方讓巴哈馬獨立報隊參賽 將大大折損英國隊的實力