前文是這篇的推文 #1O90_x-f
: 推 suzhou: 對了,這個賽程表有一個好玩的比賽,就是3.10有PO 11/10 14:27
: → suzhou: 問題是PO是要打什麼的?沒意義的小組一二名還是保級賽? 11/10 14:29
: 推 suzhou: 因為照這次新聞,很有可能是當勝率相同時,不再比得失分差 11/10 14:31
: → suzhou: 所以很可能出現上次韓國隊那樣,可以加賽一場 11/10 14:32
: → hicker: 3/10那個是預備日吧 11/10 15:08
: 推 suzhou: 不是預備日(巨蛋要預備三小朋友啊?) 11/10 15:11
: → suzhou: 是加賽日 11/10 15:11
: 推 s27c52: 哪一版本的賽程才對啊? 11/10 15:11
: → hicker: 忘了這次是在巨蛋打了....一下以為是在蠶室 11/10 15:12
: 推 AllenHuang: 3/10 那個字是"playoff" 11/10 15:13
: → hicker: playoff 休兵日吧?? 11/10 15:13
: → suzhou: 不是休兵日啦,你要看新聞內文啊!有賽制解釋 11/10 15:16
: → hicker: google翻譯成英文的重點句 11/10 15:19
: → hicker: The first and second places of each group will advance 11/10 15:20
: → hicker: to the second round, and if the odds are the same, 11/10 15:20
: → hicker: the playoffs may be held. 11/10 15:21
: → hicker: 所以要看WBC的規程了 11/10 15:21
: 推 suzhou: 所以才說是針對上屆的韓國條款 11/10 15:21
: → suzhou: 韓國上屆就是這樣眼睜睜沒機會晉級 11/10 15:22
: → hicker: 循環賽就是會有平手的可能...平手問題如何解決 怎樣都能吵 11/10 15:23
: → hicker: 還是依WBSC的規矩 比得失分率差最公平 11/10 15:24
: → suzhou: 其實雙敗淘汰制最不怕被靠腰了 11/10 15:25
然後 剛剛逛著逛著 逛到了WBC的日本官網
About playoff
The first round and the second round are done by brute-force battle method
by four teams, but if three teams are (a) 2 wins 1 loss or (b) 1 win 2
losses, playoff will be carried out. Teams participating in playoffs are
decided as follows.
· For each of the 3 teams with the same rate, decide the ranking according
to "separately determined team ranking decision rule".
· In the case of (a): The first place team wins without fighting playoff,
and playoffs by the 2nd and 3rd teams are carried out. The team who won
the playoff advances to the next round.
· In the case of (b): The 4th team will be eliminated without fighting
playoff, and playoff by the 2nd and 3rd team will be carried out. The
team who won the playoff advances to the next round. Furthermore, as soon
as it is decided, it will announce "Rules for determining the ranking of
equal teams".
若三隊是2勝1敗的互咬 則一隊晉級 另兩隊打加賽
若三隊是1勝2敗的互咬 則一隊淘汰 另兩隊打加賽
但問題是 在互咬狀態下 所謂的第一或第四又要如何決定??