[分享] Josh Reddick得到偶像Ric Flair的支持

作者: tony900735 (大頭)   2017-05-07 16:46:01
在來到休士頓之後,Josh Reddick很快的聚集了高人氣,除了在場上精彩的守備之外呢,
場下他也穿著無袖上衣向蜘蛛人、他的偶像、WWE摔角巨星Ric Flair致敬。
而太空人粉絲們呢,則在太空人比賽進行時,全場發出Ric Flair的招牌聲音"woo",表達
在這股熱潮下,"woo"聲創始人Ric Flair也表達了對太空人跟Reddick的支持,而來自偶
像Ric Flair的支持,或許能把那些不滿的聲音隔得遠遠的~
來源:MLB Cut4
Ric Flair endorsed Astros fans' Josh Reddick 'Woo' cheer
By Eric Chesterton
Astros right fielder Josh Reddick has quickly become quite popular in Houston.
Aside from his spectacular outfield defense, he pays tribute to Ric Flair, his
wrestling idol, with a "Woo" tank top and to Spiderman, his favorite superher
o, with a full spidey suit.
Fans have taken to showing their support for Reddick and his Astros teammates
by frequently exclaiming "Woo!" throughout games at Minute Maid Park. Such ges
tures have angered opposing teams and fan bases.
With the craze coming under fire, there was perhaps no better time for the "Wo
o" chant to pick up a celebrity endorsement.

(截圖自Ric Flair推特)
A word of support from the originator of the "Woo" may have been just what it
needed to keep the haters at bay.
This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clu
作者: jenchieh5 ((」T□T)<喔~喔~喔)   2017-05-07 16:47:00
作者: DerekHolland (條子王牌左投)   2017-05-07 16:48:00
作者: terryiory (中國殺人王)   2017-05-07 17:00:00
作者: Y225 (再來一次)   2017-05-07 17:02:00
作者: nastycurry (邊緣人士)   2017-05-07 17:03:00
Wooooooooooooooo!!樓下Ric Flair
作者: jkduke (jkduke)   2017-05-07 17:13:00
他不是再道奇嗎QQ 怎麼跑去太色人了
作者: az755181 (McDowns)   2017-05-07 17:49:00

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