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With the announcement of MLB Players Weekend, we thought we’d ask the CPBL im
ports what nickname they would put on the back of their jerseys and what kind
of swag they might include. Of course, this is purely hypothetical as it is ag
ainst league rules (although the Lamigo Monkeys have been doing it in spring t
raining since 2014). Players Weekend is already a hit with the fans, however,
and perhaps it’s something the CPBL will adopt in the near future.
Mike Loree (Fubon Guardians)
"Mikey" on the jersey. That's what my whole family calls me because my dad's n
ame is Mike as well. I'd probably get some wristbands with my son, daughter an
d wife's name on there. Probably my wife and daughter’s names on pink wristba
nds and my son’s name on a purple wristband (his favorite color).
Zack Segovia (Lamigo Monkeys)
In the MLB it’d be “goves” or “zgov” but here in Taiwan, it would be “ye
ssir night market” in Mandarin. My family and I love going to the night marke
ts! As for cleats or undershirts, I would probably just try and get a big cros
s in there somewhere.
Bruce Billings (Uni Lions)
My jersey would have to probably say “Brupapi” because it's a play off of Br
udaddy which was given to me by my high school buddy Darren Mitchell. We would
do drills together and he would be freestyling all the time. He would sometim
es do a freestyle and throw in Brudaddy, which I found really amusing. It stuc
k obviously. So Brupapi is the Spanish version of Brudaddy that many friends o
ver the years have used because I’m half Mexican. And I’d have to have spike
s that were some type of Batman Tumbler-inspired scheme!
Bruce Kern III (Chinatrust Brothers)
“Lt. Kernal”. It’s my Xbox Live name. A play on words, lieutenant colonel.
A high ranking officer.
Cory Riordan (Fubon Guardians)
I'd wear some orange spikes. That's my favorite color. As for a nickname..man,
I don't know. I haven't had a nickname, ever, really. Usually, it's just some
variation of my last name, which is pronounced Rear-din. Scott Richmond has b
een calling me “Rears”, so I’d probably go with that!
Bryan Woodall (Chinatrust Brothers)
I would probably just go with my Instagram handle since that seems to be the t
rending thing (bwoodall5). I would definitely wear some custom cleats. I'm a h
uge shoe fanatic and collector. Love the idea of custom cleats!
Alfredo Figaro (Uni Lions)
“Figgy”. Everybody calls me Figgy. When I first went to the United States it
was a nickname that was given to me quickly and it stuck fast.
Darin Downs (Lamigo Monkeys)
“Double D”, which is self-explanatory. I like to go a few buttons down with
no undershirt with the right jersey but for the occasion, I'd push the limit 3
-4 buttons for sure.
Scott Richmond (Fubon Guardians)
“Richie”, my lifelong nickname. As for swag, two pink and two purple wristba
nds for my ladies. Red undershirt and cleats with a maple leaf on them to repr
esent .
Michael Nix (Uni Lions)
A nickname that has stuck the last little bit has been "Big Sexy". For one obv
ious reason of me being big, but I also like to dance a little when I go out w
ith my wife and with the guys. I'm not usually a swag guy, but I do like to ha
ve nice cleats. Something with some funky matching colors.
Zeke Spruill (Lamigo Monkeys)
My grandpa nicknamed me “EZK”, short for Ezekiel, a long time ago. So I’d p
robably use that!
Rick Teasley (Chinatrust Brothers)
Well, it would either be one of two things: "Teaz" is typically the nickname I
get from teammates, just because of my last name Teasley. I've also been call
ed "Thor" by a lot of the fans in my past few seasons because of the long blon
de hair. I definitely can't complain about that one.
As far as the accessories, I would definitely wear a pair of bright orange cle
ats since it's my favorite color, as well as my nephew's. One other thing I'd
have to include is my FSU (Florida State University) undershirt since college
football season is approaching pretty quickly and I'm a big FSU fan.