Re: [討論] 世界青少棒賽這球

作者: tommy2474578 (湯米)   2017-08-21 18:28:21
※ 引述《kumaHL (哭馬 <( ̄︶ ̄)/)》之銘言:
: 如上面影片,
: 這球外野手接到後整個人翻到圍籬之外了,
: 但裁判卻仍然判 out
: 我記得依規則外野手接到球飛到全壘打牆外就算全壘打不是嗎?
: 或是我記錯了呢, 請大家幫忙解惑, 謝謝~
Rule 6.05(a) Comment: A fielder may reach into, but not step into, a dugout
to make a catch, and if he holds the ball, the catch shall be allowed. A
fielder, in order to make a catch on a foul ball nearing a dugout or other
out-of-play area (such as the stands), must have one or both feet on or over
the playing surface (including the lip of the dugout) and neither foot on the
ground inside the dugout or in any other out-of-play area. Ball is in play,
unless the fielder, after making a legal catch, falls into a dugout or other
out-of-play area, in which case the ball is dead.
長話短說 只要球員接到球的瞬間 其中一隻腳在球場內的情況下
這球被接到就是出局 但是如果整個人跑到觀眾席了才接到 就不算
所以以大聯盟的規定的話 就是出局沒錯
作者: phantomofkid (不啦啵)   2017-08-21 19:44:00
作者: ronybaseball (ronybaseball)   2017-09-15 18:20:00
作者: benson60913 (馬英九)   2017-09-15 18:21:00
居然有人說這不是爪XDDDDDDDD 秀下限?太可憐了 個案就是被切割的命

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