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作者: ghoster7 (Dope) 看板: MLB
標題: [外電] Roberto Osuna被逮捕
時間: Wed May 9 01:36:23 2018
來源 : https://bit.ly/2KJRyBz
#BlueJays closer Roberto Osuna was arrested this morning and charged with
assault on a woman, Toronto police confirm. Story coming shortly.
藍鳥終結者,Roberto Osuna,被控告攻擊某位女性,在今早加拿大多倫多被逮捕
來源 : https://bit.ly/2K38amB
Blue Jays closer Roberto Osuna was charged with one count of assault on a woman
in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
The Toronto Police Service is withholding details to protect the identity of
the alleged victim, said Constable Jenifferjit Sidhu.
Osuna, 23, has been released and is scheduled to appear in Old City Hall Court
on June 18.
Constable Sidhu said police would not release the location or nature of the
incident, "Not because he's a baseball player," but because in all cases
of this type, such details might lead to the identity of the woman, which is
The incident will undoubtedly be reviewed by Major League Baseball, which can
hand down discipline under its domestic violence policy.
而Osuna將會預定在6/18號在Old City Hall Court開庭受理。