Dustin McGowan: Cut loose by Marlins
McGowan was released by the Marlins on Thursday, Joe Frisaro of MLB.com
McGowan signed a minor-league deal with the Marlins in early April after
being with Tampa Bay in spring training, but never made an official
appearance with the team. The 35-year-old will had a 4.75 ERA and 1.34 WHIP
with 64 strikeouts over 77.2 innings for Miami last season and will hope to
continue his career elsewhere.
據報導指出,馬林魚隊已經決定釋出老將 Dustin McGowan
McGowan 先前在春訓階段原本待在坦帕灣光芒隊
去年球季則是在大聯盟登板63場比賽,合計拿下八勝兩敗 防禦率 4.75
除此之外,馬林魚隊在今天稍早也宣布DFA日籍投手 田澤純一
來源: http://tinyurl.com/y9swhqor