※ 引述《kobe089 (wei)》之銘言:
: 1. 不是抄襲,是翻玩手法,Lamigo又沒有出同類型電影影響到華納公司,鄭重駁斥抄襲
: 之說。
: 2. 對華納公司感到抱歉,本來這件事情與華納無關,但被網友一鬧,辛苦華納公司內部
: 人需要回應。
: 3. 針對長期反Lamigo的球迷朋友,請不要私訊影響藝人表演,不要挑釁說這是抄襲。
: 4. 力挺副領隊,Lamigo有現在的規模,副領隊貢獻很大,對於部份球迷說要換掉副領隊
: ,6JT不同意,捍衛副領隊到底。
: 然後直播就斷訊了............
If you wish to use a clip, still or poster from the Warner Bros.
Entertainment Inc., Turner Entertainment Co., Castle Rock Entertainment,
New Line Cinema (including Picturehouse and Fine Line) or Hanna Barbera
Feature, Television and animation libraries, all requests must be submitted
in writing by fax, mail or e-mail.
請教6JT 你們憑那一點說這件事情與華納無關的?
If you wish to use material in a commercial or print advertisement,
please submit your request to:
SARA BERBA, Warner Bros. Consumer Products
Phone: (818) 954-4398
Fax: (818) 954-2231
Website: http://www.wblicensedadvertising.com
LAMIGO球團你們寄了嗎? 還是 我們跟華納很熟?
Physical elements or selections of footage cannot be prepared or
reproduced/duplicated until a License Agreement has been signed.
Please also note that a License Agreement will not be prepared
until the applicable fees have been paid in full.
在簽好授權以前 裡面的實質物品或者部份元素皆不得被準備/重製/複製
而且在授權費完全付清以前 我們不會給你授權書