※ 引述《DSB520 (Yankees and Sox)》之銘言:
: 標題: Re: [情報]中國亞運棒球代表隊在獨立聯盟的出賽成績
: 時間: Fri Aug 31 12:10:04 2018
: [發錢]
: 補充一下
: 根據http://www.aabfan.com/FAQ/#level
: What level of minor league baseball is the American Association?
: Roughly "equivalent" to AA.
: Since the American Association is independent, it does not fall into the
: standard classifications of "organized" minor leagues. Teams include major
: and minor league veterans, as well as "true rookies" so the level of play is
: often considered as being in the "A" to "AA" range by scouts and others who
: evaluate talent.
: 球探報告說大約在A-2A之間
: 假設真的是這區間 那麼這個聯盟的第一名實力絕對是有2A
: 而第一名球隊裡 也真的很多都是打超過3年以上(LS-4起跳)
: 那甘泉對上同一區第一/二名球隊是有壓制性的
: 但是對上北區第一名卻是被打爆
: 但其他比賽也都是一場2-3ER
你copy一個AA fan的網站的rating就來講話不太行吧
Clay Davenport去年才重算一次聯盟比較
American Association大概是A+裡面比較強的聯盟
附上Clay Davenport的聯結