※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之銘言:
: 噓 sioprr: 法條的基本不就是不溯及既往嗎?棒子爺當年到底服了什麼「 03/09 15:51
: → sioprr: 當年」有禁用的藥物?誰來貼個證據看看 03/09 15:51
: 先看看MLB的禁藥史吧
: https://tinyurl.com/r555en7
: Nov. 18, 1988 — The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 creates criminal penalties
: for those who “distribute or possess anabolic steroids with the intent to
: distribute for any use in humans other than the treatment of disease based on
: the order of a physician.” Oct. 5, 1990 — Congress toughens its stance with
: the Anabolic Steroids Control Act, which places steroids in the same legal
: class as amphetamines, methamphetamines, opium and morphine.
: 1988年國會立法 規定持有非處方的類固醇即是重罪
: 1990年將罪刑規範為和安非他命等毒品同一級別
: June 7, 1991 — Commissioner Fay Vincent sends a memo to each team announcing
: that steroids have been added to the league’s banned list. No testing plan
: is announced.
: 1991年MLB將類固醇加入禁藥名單 不過此時尚無罰則
: Aug. 7, 2002 — Players and owners agree to their first joint drug program
: since 1985, calling for anonymous testing to begin in 2003. If more than five
: percent of the steroid tests are positive in 2003 or 2004, players would be
: randomly tested for a two-year period. Players won’t be punished for testing
: positive.
: 2002年球員和球團談判後 加入藥檢
: Jan. 13, 2005 — Players and owners reach new drug-testing agreement calling
: for more banned substances and for a 10-day penalty for first-time offenders.
: Under the agreement, players failing drug tests will have their names
: released to the public.
: 2005年球員和球團談判後 加入罰則