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作者: wahaha5678 (J罵) 看板: MLB
標題: [閒聊] Scherzer 認為「死臂」是因為自己投太少
時間: Thu Dec 2 03:08:54 2021
Scherzer said the Dodgers limiting his pitch count and trying to keep him
fresh for the postseason lowered his work capacity and he thinks led to his
dead arm. Said in DC he was relied on and pushed to consistently go 110
pitches every five days so more built up for ‘19 WS run
That work capacity is how Scherzer could pitch in relief in 19 on non-start
days. He said he’s never gone thru a scenario where he thought he was good
and wasn’t before. Dead arm is resolved and he’s on his regular offseason
Scherzer 認為道奇今年在季後賽開始前,為了備戰而限縮他的投球數,
反而因此讓他在季後賽得了 dead arm。
過去他在國民隊時可是每 5 天都要穩定投到 110 球的!
這也是他在 2019 年季後賽時,可以在非先發場次登板後援的原因。