The players union accepts the deal and once owners agree, which is a
formality, it’s official. Opening Day is April 7
根據消息 球員工會投票接受了大聯盟的提議
若雙方細節都談妥 預計4月7日正式開打例行賽
Players vote is 26-12 in favor. Baseball will be back!
球員工會內部投票結果 26票同意 12票不同意
Union executive board vote was 8-0 against the MLB proposal but teams voted
26-4 in favor of it, carrying the day, Unusual that the general player
population goes so far against player leadership.
看了大聯盟提出的協議 大概真的不想再拖下去了
順利的話 接下來自由市場即將再開放 各隊可以開始搶人了