※ 引述《hitokiri (Vivid)》之銘言:
: "此外,朗希他還是在見習如何持續奮戰完一個完整的球季的投手。
: (雖然他的實力已經遠遠超越所謂的見習投手)
: 如果等到受傷故障了再來後悔當初硬撐,
: 導致要浪費運動生涯的精華時期來復健,就太遲了。"
剛剛想到以前 Joel Sherman 寫的一篇文章
Statistical revolution is killing the next generation of MLB fans
完整翻譯: #1Re7fPmT (MLB)
They are right that batting average reveals far less about a
hitter’s skills than 10 other metrics and that RBIs and runs
scored are so highly dependent on the team around you as to not be
as insightful into an individual as once believed.
隨便抓 10 種數據,都比用打擊率評價打者有用。打點和得分和隊友高度相
I agree with it all. Yet, I believe part of the decline in passion
for the major leagues is mixed into how we view these numbers.
We know now that it is not worthwhile to extend a pitcher into
workloads never before ventured into by that individual to pursue
a no-hitter, and we even have told fans no-hitters are kind of
luck-based and not that sexy because they come with walks or
errors. But hearing someone was working on a no-hitter used to be
a reason to flip on a baseball game. To care. Now, we tell them, “
Nah, don’t care.” It is like telling moviegoers to only care
about Oscar candidates and you are a fool if you invest in the
latest Kevin Hart or Will Ferrell film.
成無安打而關注比賽,但現在我們說 “歐,別太在意” 就像是我們告訴電
影迷只要關注奧斯卡入圍者,追蹤 Kevin Hart, Will Ferrell 的電影很蠢
If I ran a team, I would pull a starter who was beginning to run
in the red, I would use reliever after reliever to attack games
because numbers show that is most effective, I would not re-sign
older players that even my fans have come to love because the flow
charts show imminent decline, I would not care about complete
games or .300 batting averages or 300 wins in any vital way while
coldly deciding what is best, today, for my team. It all makes
Unfortunately, it also is hurting the game.