SkyPlus (Sky)
2022-04-25 14:18:28※ 引述《a1c2x3 (Comet)》之銘言:
: 回去看了一下Gameday後把幾個打席放上來讓大家看看
: 圖多注意
: Segura打席的第一球被判好球
: https://i.imgur.com/sh8n9Hh.jpg
Umpire Angel Hernandez was the lowest rated umpire on the day,
missing 19 calls for a correct percentage of 85.3%.
He rang up 6 batters on pitches that were outside the zone and
called a strike to Jean Segura that missed inside by a season high
6.47 inches.
#Brewers #Phillies
Angel Hernandez 有19球判斷錯誤,正確率 85.3%,在今天主審中排名墊底。
有 6 個打者因為他把壞球判成好球而被三振
Jean Segura 有一球差了 6.47 吋還被判好球,這是本季偏差最多的一顆球
I'm here for Angel Hernandez strike zone FOREVER.
我永遠支持 Angel Hernandez 的好球帶