-Sandy Alcantara has more 8-inning starts this season than every team besides
the Marlins.
Most 8-inning starts:
Sandy Alcantara: 8
Yankees: 5
Astros: 5
Phillies: 5
Dodgers: 4
Red Sox: 4
以下節錄自邁阿密先鋒報文章 https://pse.is/4b9xeb
-The game plan, Stallings said, was to pump fastballs against the Angels, who
prefer to swing at low pitches. It prompted some concern for the 32-year-old
“I was a little concerned he was going to wear down,” Stallings
said, only it never did. The radar gun flashed 100 mph 14 times and his three
fastest pitches came on his 94th, 103rd and 106th.
捕手Jacob Stallings表示策略是對天使丟速球 也曾有點擔心Sandy會疲勞
不過魚王比賽後段還是火球照丟 最快的幾球甚至是在6、7、8局出現
第94球 100.6 MPH伸卡 https://pse.is/4akplu
-Mattingly said he initially planned to send Alcantara back out for the ninth
inning until the bottom of the eighth went long enough to give him
馬丁利原本是要給107球的魚王投第九局 不過八局下比較久 就算了
-“I just went inning by inning, evaluating the hitter,” Alcantara said. “If
you don’t have a chance against my fastball, I’ve got to use it and I used
it a lot tonight.”
圖源: https://pse.is/493u83