Ticket Sales Continue To Rise As Aaron Judge Pursues HR Record
When Yankees slugger Aaron Judge launched his 60th home run last week, he set of
f a massive ticket sales increase for Yankee games both home and away. That tren
d continued after Judge tied Roger Maris’ American League single-season home ru
n record on Wednesday night.
Judge is now going for sole possession of the record — and with just seven game
s left to hit one more dinger, fans don’t want to miss it.
Ticket sales on StubHub skyrocketed 60% for the Yankees’ final home stand of th
e season against the Orioles this weekend, according to company data.
Demand for bleacher seats has gone up notably as fans take a shot at catching ho
me run No. 62 — and potentially earning at least half a million dollars for the
ir troubles. The average sale on bleacher seats has gone up more than twofold co
mpared with the average between April and August.
The Yankees aren’t the only team benefiting from massive ticket sales, and thei
r fans aren’t the only ones interested in catching this bit of MLB history.
For the Bronx Bombers’ road series against the Texas Rangers beginning on Monda
y, sales went up 11%. Monday night’s game has already sold more tickets than an
y other weekday Ranger game this season.
Experts are estimating that @TheJudge44's 62nd home run ball could go for anywhe
re between $500K to $10M
But what were some previous home run balls going for