※ 引述《polanco (polanco)》之銘言:
: 噓 HsiangFly: 為何媒體都要刻意炒作法官是最純的? 當初不抓現在才 10/08 12:56
: → HsiangFly: 來拿清朝的劍展明朝的官 10/08 12:56
: 推 Coffeewater: 官方不想統一標準 讓球迷繼續再吵100年吧 10/08 13:24
: → Coffeewater: 那個時代就是有在吃藥 但沒認真管啊 10/08 13:25
都是聯盟官方不制定規則放任球員打藥 才導致禁藥年代的產生
首先 在美國工會法 規定是公司方不能單方面制定藥檢規則
必須要和工會談判達成協議後才能實施藥檢 (Johnson-Bateman Co. (NLRB 1989))
然而當時聯盟和球員對藥檢的態度又是如何呢? 參考2002年的這篇文獻回顧 (pg. 443)
After the Pittsburgh Drug Trials concluded, Ueberroth made a push for voluntary
drug-testing of all MLB players. The MLBPA rejected the plan in 1985, objecting
to it because they believed drug-testing intrinsically presumed guilt on the
part of the players. ...
After experiments with such initiatives as sanctioning for drug use, a joint
management-players' association drug program, and unilateral League management
proposals, currently no systematic testing program or disciplinary regime in
baseball has been agreed upon through the vehicle of collective bargaining. T
hroughout this process, player objections to mandatory drug-testing have
included the notion that testing is an invasion of privacy, an insult to player
integrity, and an ineffective deterrent of drug use (especially considering
there was no scientific data demonstrating widespread drug use among the
League's players).
從上回顧可知 早在1985年聯盟就希望推動藥檢程序 但球員工會方持續反對
理由包括: 對球員有罪推定 侵犯隱私 污辱球員道德 缺少阻嚇力
可以說禁藥年代的發生 有一大部分的原因就是球員自己兼裁判
一直以來阻止藥檢的實施 才讓工會成員能在這段時間內打藥打爽爽