As another executive told me this week, “If Brian were out on the market, he’d
have offers in five minutes.” This executive added that the industry holds Cas
hman in much higher esteem than the media who cover and the fans who cheer for t
he Yankees.
According to the Associated Press, Steinbrenner and Cashman met one week ago at
Yankee Stadium for early discussions about the upcoming offseason. But Steinbren
ner said he remained undecided on his GM.
洋基老闆 Hal Steinbrenner在一週前有和Cashman在洋基球場開會
“We haven’t talked about anything yet,” Steinbrenner said. “Cash and I had s
ome preliminary conversions.”
I think if Cashman is not re-signed by Steinbrenner in the next few weeks, (Mets
owner Steve) Cohen would be very interested in making Cashman Billy Eppler’s b
oss again.
而原文紐郵記者Joel Sherman則認為
The Mets are in search of a new team president with Sandy Alderson ready to step
back from his duties. Cashman moving from the Bronx to Queens would be a seismi
c shift for baseball in the Big Apple.
梅子的總裁Sandy Alderson前陣子卸下職務