[情報] 韓職今年申請FA球員數量超乎預期

作者: zxc906383 (無無)   2022-11-15 21:13:44
The KBO announced the 2023 free agent list on the 13th. Of the total 40, excludi
ng players who have already retired and players on multi-year contracts, only 30
are actually eligible for free agents.
The key is how many of the players who obtained FA qualifications apply for FA.
It is important whether or not to exceed 21, which is the condition for recruiti
ng three external free agents. According to the baseball rules, if there are 11-
20 players who exercise their FA rights, 2 outside FAs can be recruited per club
, and if there are 21-30 players, 3 outside FAs can be contracted.
Initially, the opinion among the clubs was that the number of applicants this ye
ar would not exceed 20. However, when the lid was opened, far more players than
expected were exercising their free agent rights. As of 7pm, it was confirmed th
at the number of applicants had already exceeded 20. The deadline is midnight on
the 15th, so there is a possibility that the number of FA players will increase
The unexpected wind of FA application is interpreted as the influence of the FA
rating system. Players classified as Class B and Class C for reasons such as re-
qualification as a free agent, salary, age, etc. exercised their free agent righ
It is known that Samsung Oh Seon-jin, Lotte Kang Yun-gu, and Hanwha Jang Si-hwan
, who are actually C-ranked, have applied for FA in large numbers.
The club is also encouraging internal FA players to apply for qualifications. Si
nce players who have signed an FA contract are excluded from the list of protect
ed players, it is easier for clubs seeking external signings to make a list of p
rotected players only if the internal FA players exercise their rights. It is kn
own that a veteran pitcher from a certain club, who was actually considering giv
ing up the FA, applied for FA status under sympathy with the club.
作者: polanco (polanco)   2022-11-15 21:18:00
作者: hao94 (豪豪)   2022-11-15 21:18:00
作者: Arodz (鎖一點螺絲...)   2022-11-15 21:30:00
5隊跟10隊 流動性無法比吧
作者: suzhou (☂☁☁☁☂)   2022-11-15 21:32:00
即使走形式 避免被放到名單 但也讓選手多少能跟資方要好處

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