※ 引述 《driftingjong》 之銘言:
: 頂層土壤: 過密、過硬、無法排水、選手會受傷、草長不動。七個鑽孔取樣全部不合格。
“This layer will be slow to drain after a rain event and water ponding at the s
urface of field.”
“c. The use of fine textured soils is extremely prone to soil compaction and is
a primary cause for many athletic field problems and failures.
d. When the surface layer becomes compact and dry it becomes excessively hard. T
his condition creates an increased risk for player to field contact injuries.”
: 中層土石: 完全無法排水,建議"全部移除"。
: 底層土石與排水系統: 有管路,把中層移和上層移除後可排水,但淹水測試下,會超過停
: 車場的結構上限,而從外野牆後淹出。
只是他說”beyond the limits of the parking garage structure”不知道指的是哪裡
“These area drains are installed on a 30’ grid pattern and transitions to 6”
pvc pipe beyond the limits of the parking garage structure and discharging behin
d outfield wall.”
: 建議:
: 底層重新計算設計,這個底層系統不是傳統常見的排水系統結構。
“We recommend having a licensed civil engineer review and confirm drainage calc
ulations and system design parameters are adequate for the field of play. The dr
ainage system is not a traditional system and additional due diligence is recomm
: 旋轉灑水器:設計諸多問題
: 1. 間隔太遠,比設計廠商建議的還遠
: 2. 尺寸與噴灑模式不對,濕度難以維持
: 3. 某些灑水器沒蓋子(WTF?)會增加選手受傷風險
: 4. 濕度不均,有些區域過度灑水有些卻過度乾燥
: 5. 犯了基本錯誤,不應該把紅土區與草皮區用一樣的灑水器覆蓋方式(搞闢阿?)
: 建議: 灑水系統全部砍掉重練
: 內野土質: 不符合從職業運動到娛樂向設計公園的設計。
: 建議:土壤、砂石、黏土、土泥全部重配。
: 內野坡度率:沒有設計0.3%坡度率以利排水。
: 球場設計: 尺寸不符合職業棒球規範(WTF????)
: 內野草皮區: 坡度不符合職業比賽規範
: 警戒區:不符合最小寬度需求
: 改善計畫選項:
: 草皮:1. 天然草皮 2.人工草皮
: 底土: 重新挖溝填土加上灑水系統全面重建。
“Option #1” “This option would be an extensive project that would require rem
oving the top two layers of the soil profile and replacing these with approved s
and and aggregate materials that will allow for improved drainage performance.”
“Option #2” “This option would be an extensive project that would also requir
e removing the
top two layers of the soil profile and turf and replacing these with specified s
tone materials and installing new synthetic turf.”
: 結果...到底該怎麼改呢?