※ 引述《zxc906383 (無無)》之銘言:
: 剛剛WBSC發的最新的新聞稿
: https://reurl.cc/edo3xj
: The Tokyo Dome will host the Super Round (21-23 November) between the top three
: finishers of each group. The medal games are scheduled for 24 November
: 超級循環賽從原本的六取二
: 改成六取三了
: 離賽事開打倒數一年
: https://i.imgur.com/NUwscpq.jpg
WBSC 11/10發布的這篇新聞稿
The Tokyo Dome will host the Super Round (21-23 November) between the top two
finishers of each group.
剛剛點進去看 top three 被改成 top two 了