※ 引述《polanco (polanco)》之銘言:
: 「大谷翔平是誰?」 想註冊大谷商標的中國企業稱不認識他
: 李冠霖/核稿編輯
: 這家中國公司稱和大谷沒有關係,不知道他是棒球選手,「我不認識這人。有需要獲得這個
: 人的許可嗎?」《TBS》也發現,這家中國公司以前也申請過一些商標權,但並非都獲得批
: 准。
: 《TBS》提到,中國的公司也曾經7次申請日本花式滑冰名將羽生結弦的商標權,但都沒有獲
: 得批准。但羽生結弦在中國常被暱稱「羽生柚子」,這個名稱卻被一家中國食品公司成功註
: 冊商標。
: https://sports.ltn.com.tw/news/breakingnews/4591838
: https://i.imgur.com/U3iM21j.jpg
A recent ruling by the Supreme People’s Court—the highest court in China
and thus China’s equivalent to the U.S. Supreme Court—promotes intellectual
property rights in ways surely welcomed by the NBA. It does so by awarding a
“win” to the most famous person associated with the league: Michael Jordan.
After losing at different rounds in the litigation, Jordan received favorable
news from the Supreme People’s Court in January. The Court ruled that
because “Qiaodan” has such a strong connection to Jordan, Qiaodan Sports
had infringed on Michael Jordan’s name. The company’s trademark in Qiaodan,
the court expressed, must therefore be revoked.
如果按照喬丹案的判決來看 大谷翔平案十之八九大概也無法過關吧
不知道這中國公司是不是沒請律師在亂申請 連這麼近的判例都懶得找嗎?