[情報] 金鶯新老闆將掌控97%股權+尋求CEO

作者: zxc906383 (無無)   2024-05-18 13:59:45
The Angelos family had previously agreed to sell the rest of the team after Pete
r Angelos’ death.
A group led by billionaire Baltimore native David Rubenstein will own 97% of the
team “as early as the end of May,” a spokesman said Friday.
由David Rubenstein帶領的金鶯新老闆群
The second stage of the sale, which Rubenstein first revealed to The Baltimore S
un in an interview, accelerates the full transition of ownership of the Orioles.
The Angelos family had held 70% of the team since Peter Angelos bought the Orio
les in 1993 for $173 million.
Rubenstein’s spokesperson declined to reveal who would own the other 3% of the
team. Much like Rubenstein, Angelos assembled a prominent group of minority owne
rs when he bought the club, including novelist Tom Clancy, film director Barry L
evinson and tennis star Pam Shriver. It is unclear whether any of those minority
owners — or any members of the Angelos family — will retain a share of the te
David Rubenstein的發言人拒絕透露剩下3%是誰的
小說家Tom Clancy
導演Barry Levinson
網球員Pam Shriver
A spokesperson for Rubenstein also said the Orioles are opening a search for a c
hief executive officer to take over daily operations of the organization. To The
Sun, Rubenstein said: “On the business side, [former team chairman and CEO] Jo
hn [Angelos] effectively served as the CEO, so I’m not going to play that role.
We are recruiting people now, and we have a search firm.”
之前金鶯隊實質上是由老闆John Angelos自己跳下來管
作者: terryroc (沉澱)   2024-05-18 14:06:00
Tom Clancy是全境封鎖那個嗎
作者: DeRozan5341 (活得灑脫)   2024-05-18 14:08:00
作者: Minihil ( )   2024-05-18 14:28:00
作者: arexne (R U MINE?)   2024-05-18 14:43:00
是湯姆克蘭西 又是小說家的應該也只有他了ww
作者: cobras638 (☑不挺台綜板)   2024-05-19 00:58:00

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