The Diamondbacks have already been facing growing challenges with the 26-year-ol
d Chase Field (above). Now climate change is uncomfortably adding to the list.
While the MLB club has spent more than a year actively trying to develop a frame
work to upgrade the ballpark, a historically hot Phoenix summer has greatly taxe
d the facility’s air-conditioning system, in turn exacerbating the renovation n
隨著氣候的變遷,蛇蛇主場Chase Field的冷氣系統已經不堪負荷
Phoenix on Tuesday recorded its 79th consecutive day of least 100 degrees, surpa
ssing a prior city record of 76, with no end in sight as more triple-digit tempe
ratures are forecast for at least the next two weeks. Even before this latest he
at wave, the Arizona capital was identified as a particular problem area in a mu
ch larger wave of global climate change.
All that has strained the ballpark’s efforts to establish an interior temperatu
re of 75 degrees. A chilled-water facility adjacent to the ballpark is used to c
ool the Chase Field air.
But the ongoing local heat and a 17% boost in team attendance following last yea
r’s surprise run to the World Series has impaired the system’s ability to main
tain that cooler temperature—to the point where some players have complained ab
out cramping and overly humid conditions for an indoor ability.
“We are making the best of a system that is over 26 years old and has been regr
essing year after year,” Diamondbacks president Derrick Hall told The Arizona R
epublic. “This is another example of why we need to find a solution and partner
ship to stay at Chase Field, which is our preference. The HVAC system is a top p
riority for an overhaul.”