※ 引述《c1823akimo (甜蜜幸福的一坨屎)》之銘言:
: 我只想說......
: 營養師朋友說:人體胃酸比膠原蛋白強
: 所以那種吃的膠原蛋白都吃心安的
: 請自行google新聞喔~啾咪
Archives of Dermatological Research
October 2008, Volume 300, Issue 9, pp 479-483
A new view concerning the effects of collagen hydrolysate intake on skin
properties / Vivian Zague
"Iwai et al. [10] reported that a considerable amount of
CH-derived hydroxyproline in a peptide form appeared in
blood of healthy human volunteers who ingested CH from
porcine skin, chicken feet, and cartilage after 12 h of fasting."
CH = collagen hydrolysate
10.引用文獻 Iwai K, Hasegawa T, Taguchi Y et al (2005)
Identification of food-derived collagen peptides in human blood after
oral ingestion of gelatin hydrolysates. J Agric Food Chem 53:6531–6536.
吃下去的膠原蛋白其實是可以被吸收(peptide 型式),出現在血液裡頭
而這peptide有沒有活性,能不能改善皮膚? 還需要再證明
"However, there are no data relating the structure of food-derived collagen
peptides and their mechanisms for improving skin properties."
不過這篇是2008年的,搞不好現在已經吵完了也說不定 XD