pcyeh (Benson)
2011-06-15 01:13:46Dear you all,
As I mentioned in the class, I will have extra hours in 143 right after the class on Thursday. Feel free to come ask me questions or ask me to re-explain the things that I didn't clearly explained in the class, or things that you have problem with. You don't have to feel that you have to get well prepared before coming to see me. Just come if there is anything you don't quite understand. If there is no other people waiting, I can even re-teach you the whole chapter if that's necessary! I hope I can help
you more on understanding the concepts, so don't hesitate if you really need my help!
By the way, I also encourage you to practice the quiz problems of other classes, and the common HW4 and HW5 before the exam. I think that would be helpful for you final exam too. Good luck to you final exams!!