sumarai (Pawn)
2019-04-23 23:15:30※ 引述《Wangdy (蒙古人)》之銘言:
: 安度因講笑話
: 從reddit搬運過來
: www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/bg9n3q/anduins_jokes_in_text
: Greetings, friend.
: A king is only as noble as the cause he serves.
: Please, now is not the time for that. Also, it will never be the time for
: that.
: The Light will abolish the Shadow in all its forms! I personally would never
: resort to its dark methods.
: Except when playing Hearthstone. Sometimes that game brings out the worst in
: me.
: A lot of people don’t realize how difficult and …awkward it is to grow up
: in the spotlight, your every success and every failure laid bare in front of
: the entire world…..of warcraft.
: Mhh? Oh! Actually, I am still wearing the helmet, it’s just transmogrified
: to “hidden.”
: 其實我有戴頭盔啦,只是勾選「不顯示頭盔」
: You know those Shadow Priests are a bad influence. If one mind controlled yo
: and asked you to jump off a bridge, would you do it? The answer is “yes,”
: by the way. Yuck!
: Oh crud! I forgot to cast fortify on the group. Eh. I’m sure one of the
: other Priests on the battleground will get it.
: When you really think about it, isn’t every race in the Alliance an Allied
: Race?
: 據說是wow的梗,因為wow多了個 allied race,但是 Alliance裡的種族
: 不都是allied race嗎?
: In Pandaren board games the goal is for both players to win. In Hearthstone
: the goal is for me to beat you to death. With your own minions.
: 在熊貓國的桌遊遊戲目標是要雙方都贏,但是在爐石裡卻是要
: 我把你往死裡打 (用你自己的手下)
: There will be peace. One day. At least I think there will. How many WoW
: expansions are left again? ….Oh… ohh.. oh. Well. Well then.
: 我認為艾澤拉斯終將有和平的一天,一定會.....
: 對了,魔獸世界還會有多少資料片? 嗯~ 好吧~
: Why did the Priesthood call it a Leap of Faith? No one leaps and it certainl
: doesn’t require faith. I’ve always thought “Lifegrip” would be more
: accurate.
: 為什麼信仰之躍要叫信仰之躍呢? 沒人跳躍,甚至不需要信仰,
: 我覺得叫 活命之握 還比較精確一點
死握英文是 death grip
: A Paladin, a Medic, a DJ, the Archangel of Hope, and a Priest walk into a
: bar. The bartender stops them and says “Ey! No support groups!”
: 這個笑話已經過時啦~ 英雄分類的 sup 已經不是這些補師們了
support groups 是互助會的意思,就是電影裡一群人圍成一圈坐在一起,分享自己經歷
,因為這幾隻英雄現在分類是 Healer 不是 Support
: My father always said everything the Light touches is our kingdom. But not
: Deadwind Pass. We don’t go there.
deadwind pass就是逆風小徑,卡啦讚也在這裡
: 其實好幾個我都不懂笑點在哪~