Jotarun (forever)
2023-10-24 04:13:09https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/heroes-of-the-storm/24017507
Our next Heroes of the Storm patch has just hit the Public Test Realm and
will be available for playtesting. We would like to take a moment to thank
the community for providing insight and feedback for these changes. Although
we may not reply to your feedback and posts we do listen and appreciate all
of it. As always, if you encounter any bugs during your PTR play sessions,
please stop by the PTR Bug Report forum to let us know about your experiences.
Quick Navigation:
Balance Update
Bug Fixes
Observer UI
D.Va's Mech Healthbar is now displayed in the observer interface's top bar.
Misha's Healthbar is now displayed in the observer interface's top bar.
The Lost Vikings Healthbars are now displayed in the observer interface's top
XP Globes are now displayed as Blue for the left team and Gray for the right
Changed Icon color for Locust Strain.
Changed Icon color for Chitinous Plating.
Incinerator Gauntlets Icon changed to non-Heroes Damage from Basic Attacks.
Martial Law Icon changed to Searing Damage from Basic Attacks.
Changed Icon color for Ball Lightning.
Changed Icon color for Valkrie.
Changed Icon color for Elongated Tonuge.
Changed Icon for Soul Shield to be different than Spell Shields.
Changed Icon color for Zanshin.
Changed Improved Ice Block Button to be normal Ice Block.
Fiery Brand Icon changed to Searing Damage from Basic Attacks.
Changed Icon color for Perfect Storm.
Changed Icon color for Rapid Projection.
Rampage Icon changed to Cooldown Reduction from Basic Attacks.
Remorseless Icon changed to Range Increase for Basic Attacks.
The Lost Vikings
Nordic Attack Squad Icon changed to Searing Damage from Basic Attacks.
Sizzlin' Attacks Icon changed to Searing Damage from Basic Attacks.
Shooting Star Icon changed to Range Increase for Basic Attacks.
Manticore Icon changed to Searing Damage from Basic Attacks.
Changed Icon color for Saintly Greatstaff.
Feel the Heat Icon changed to Damage Increase from Basic Attacks.
Abilities that Bounce will require all targets to be visible.
Abilities that Cleave will reveal the area and does not require target to be
Abilities that Splash will reveal the area and does not require target to be
Blessed Shield no longer hits Invulnerable enemies.
Frag Launcher no longer hits Invulnerable enemies.
Gravity Lapse no longer hits Invulnerable enemies.
Magic Missiles no longer hits Invulnerable enemies.
Plague of Toads no longer hits Invulnerable enemies.
Parting Gift no longer hits Invulnerable enemies.
Increased experience given by Experience Globes.
Floating Combat Text for Experience earned from killing blows now has a gold
Balance Update
Adjusted difficulty levels for a number of Heroes.
Increased Windwalk healing from 1% per second to 3% per second.
Decreased Way of the Wind healing from 5% on cast to 4% on cast.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused Evading targets to still lose armor to Hellbats
and Gnolls.
Fixed an issue that caused ARAM maps to use different XP systems.
Fixed an issue that caused Abathur's Monstrosity to gain an additional 0.02
damage per stack.
Toxic Next no longer reveals attackers while Arming.
Moral Compass is now considered Splash damage and will not hit targets Immune
to AOE.
Combustion now reveals area it affects.
Fixed an issue that caused Heat Treatment to not match the damage dealt by
Fixed an issue where Oil Spill granted more vision than intended.
Flame Stream now reveals targets hit.
Invisible Friends now displays a healing over time preview.
Phase Shift's heal now happens after teleportation instead of at the same
Unstable Anomaly now reveals the area it affects and enemies it hits.
Cleaver AOE no longer reveals targets hit.
Fixed an issue that caused Butcher to lose more than intended stacks of Fresh
Meat when killed.
Furnace Blast now reveals targets hit.
No longer revealed when Lamb of the Slaughter damages an enemy.
Fend now reveals targets hit.
Fixed an issue that caused Lightning Fury Bolts cast from Static Electricity
and Lightning Fury to be inconsistently determined.
Fixed an issue that caused Lightning Fury Bolts generated by Static
Electricity to not heal for the appropriate amount with Ring of the Leech.
Fixed an issue where Lightning Fury Bolts were not displaying as critical
hits against Blinded enemies.
Martial Law no longer damages Heroes while Blinded.
Surge of Light now reveals the area it affects and enemies that it hits.
Consuming Blaze now reveals targets when applied.
Consuming Blaze will now interrupt channels that are interrupted by damage
when applied.
Dread Orb no longer has an abnormal vision height.
Dread Orb now reveals targets hit.
Fixed an issue that caused Cthun's Gift to Slow while Blinded.
Fuel for the Flame no longer deals damage to evading enemies near the Basic
Attack target.
Fuel for the Flame no longer deals damage to the target of Basic Attacks
while Blinded.
Fuel for the Flame no longer display as critical damage against Heroes.
Runic Blast now reveals targets hit.
Shadowbolt Volley no longer has an abnormal vision height.
Shadowbolt Volley now reveals targets hit.
Shadowflame now reveals targets hit.
Twisting Nether now reveals targets hit.
The Will of Gall is now treated as a Quest talent and displays the progress
in the talents tab.
Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo's Basic Attacks to grant stacks while
Shifting Sands will no longer be removed upon death.
Time Trap will no longer prevent Allies from being revealed temporarily.
Time Troubles' Armor granted to allies will no longer be removed by Stasis.
Unravelling's Armor debuff will now be removed by Stasis.
Death Drop's Armor Reduction is now removed by Stasis.
Gaze Onto Destruction no longer reduces the damage of non-Heroes hit.
Fixed an issue where Horadric Staff does not consume the cooldown when used
on an Evading target.
Fixed an issue where Potion of Shielding increased Deckard's Self Healing.
Fixed an issue where Scroll of Sealing revealed targets for 4 seconds when
Burrow no longer prevents allied abilities from affecting Dehaka.
Burrow will now cleanse negative effects.
Lurker Strain no longer reveals area around knocked back targets.
Lurker Strain now reveals targets hit.
Lurker Strain's Knockback will no longer function as a Stun.
Dying Breath will now display as Apocalypse on the Death Recap.
Fixed an issue that caused Black Soulstone to be multiplicative with other
health bonuses.
Defense Matrix now works on Zagara's Banelings.
BOOMerang's Armor Reduction is now removed by Stasis.
Hammerang now reveals targets hit on return.
Hammerang's explosion no longer displays as a crit after selecting BOOMerang.
Hammerang's reactivation explosion now reveals targets hit.
Fixed an issue that caused Divert Power: Weapons to be refreshed while
Fixed an issue that could cause Mobile Offensive to not apply when moving.
Phase Bomb Splash damage now consumes Block charges.
Decimate now reveals targets hit.
Into the Fray now shows up on Garrosh's Try screen.
Wrecking Ball and Into the Fray now reveal targets hit.
Adjusted Ark Reaktor damage to 36.
EZ-PZ Dimensional Ripper can now have the cooldown announced to your team.
Mecha-Lord no longer grants Armor while Blinded.
Fixed an issue where Deflect did not grant full Self Healing score when
preventing damage.
Fixed an issue that caused Alpha Killer to be capable of activating on-hit
effects on Invulnerable enemies.
Fixed an issue that caused Go For the Throat to apply the incorrect cooldown
to Disengage with Running Wild selected.
Removed dual block visual from Thick Skin.
Fixed self-healing bonus from Hunger for Power.
Pursuit of Flame is no longer visible through fog.
Fixed an issue that allowed players to fire Storm Bow at maximum range
without charging.
Fixed an issue that caused Sharpened Arrowheads to not reduce Armor while
Blinded when applied with Storm Bow.
Fixed an issue that caused Sharpened Arrowheads to reduce Armor before damage
is dealt with Storm Bow.
Fixed an issue that caused Frost Bolt to hit targets behind Frost Bolt.
Fixed an issue that caused Frost Shards to allow more than 2 additional
targets to be hit.
Frostbite Armor now has a block visual.
Blessed Hammer now reveals the area it affects.
Fixed an issue where Blessed Momentum stacks multiplicatively instead of
additvely with other attack speed modifiers.
Heaven's Fury no longer prevents allies from being revealed.
Fixed an issue that caused Junkrat's Frag Launcher to gain 0.002 damage per
stack of Taste for Explosions.
Splash damage now consumes Block charges.
Deathchill will no longer activate if the target loses Root or Slow by
becoming Unstoppable.
Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks against Rooted Heroes to activate
Icy Grasp.
Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks against Rooted targets to activate
Hungering Cold.
Fixed an issue that caused Kel'Thuzad's buttons to light up when getting 15
baseline quest stacks.
Fixed an issue that caused Power of Icecrown's damage increase to be lost
upon death.
Fixed an issue that caused Kerrigan's Self Healing to increase when she gains
Assimilation Shields.
Fury of the Swarm no longer reveals targets.
Impaling Blades now reveals targets hit.
Primal Grasp's Pulse now reveals targets hit.
Psionic Shift now reveals targets hit.
Ultralisk Splash damage reveals targets.
Fixed an issue that caused Insight to progress while Blinded.
Buried Alive can no longer have its duration reduced.
Drain Essence no longer increases his Self Healing score.
Deckard's Rejuvenation is now removed on Undying.
Fixed an issue where Leoric could receive Tyrande's Shadowstalk Healing when
Undying was active, thereby reducing his respawn timer.
Ossein Renewal can no longer be cast while Undying is active.
Drain Hope, Drain Essence, and March of the Black King are now removed if the
target enters a vehicle.
Fixed an issue that caused Tal Rasha's Elements to prevent Force Armor from
granting Block charges.
Fixed an issue where Aether Walker would sometime not reset correctly.
Lt. Morales
Medi Drone no longer heals Heroes in Undying state.
Fixed an issue that caused Invigorating Spores to be capable of activating
on-hit effects on Invulnerable enemies.
Fixed an issue that caused Invigorating Spores to deal percent damage while
Fixed an issue that caused Nature's Toxin to be applied before damage dealt.
Fixed an issue that caused Basic Attacks while Blinded to increase Vengeful
Knives damage.
Fixed an issue that caused Umbral Bind to not increase Vengeful Knives damage
Winged Guard now has a block visual.
Ethereal Existence now has a block visual at max stacks.
Fixed an issue that caused Cooling Servos to Slow while Blinded.
Fixed an issue that caused Mei's Induce Hibernation Talent to reduce damage
of non-Heroes.
Skating Away now has a block visual.
Fixed an issue that caused Big Tuna Kahuna to be multiplicative with other
health bonuses.
Octograb now reveals the target instead of the area around the target.
Pufferfish now reveals targets hit.
Slime now reveals targets hit.
While revealed, Murky will no longer reveal the area around him when his Egg
is slain.
Anti-Armor Shells is now removed by Stasis.
Anti-Armor Shells now applies debuff after damage.
Explosive Snipe now reveals targets hit.
Fixed an issue that caused Anti-Armor Shells to display an incorrect damage
value for Nova's Holo Decoys.
Holo Decoys no longer reveals area when killed.
Holo Decoys are now visible from the center of the unit instead of their
Precision Strike now reveals targets hit.
Snipe no longer reveals around target.
Triple Tap no longer reveals area around the target, and the target is now
revealed for 2 seconds afterwards, up from 1.3 seconds.
Fixed an issue that caused Dead Magic to splash to Evading targets.
Fixed an issue that caused Empowered Eldritch Conduit to be lost on death.
Fixed an issue that caused Empowered Eldritch Conduit to not be granted when
going from 7 or 8 stacks to 10.
Fixed an issue that caused Eternal Feast to hit dead objects.
Fixed an issue that caused Pylon Overcharge to deal additional damage when
Construct Additional Pylons is selected.
Basic Attacks will no longer reveal targets hit.
Blood Rage's activation no longer grants Fatal Wounds progress.
Fixed an issue that caused Finishing Touch to grant attack speed on attacks
that bring the target below 50% health.
Fixed an issue that caused Finishing Touch to grant attack speed while
Fixed an issue that caused Upstage to not apply if the targets were killed by
the activation damage.
Fixed an issue that caused Your Pain, My Gain to grant Armor while Blinded.
Cauterize Wounds now displays on the Death Recap correctly.
Fixed an issue that caused Empower Sulfuras to not reduce the cooldown of
Blistering Attacks on non-Heroes.
Tempered Flame no longer increases Self Healing on application.
Lava Wave can no longer pickup or magnetize Experience Globes.
Fixed an issue that caused Execute Orders to not display in the Death Recap.
Fixed an issue that caused Give Em' Some Pepper damage to behaving
Fixed duration of Totemic Projection.
Fixed an issue that caused Hunger of the Wolf to deal damage and heal while
Fixed an issue that caused Kill Command's damage bonus to be multiplicative.
Fixed an issue that caused Misha to not gain Primal Intimidation's Passive on
Fixed an issue where Unleash the Boars was not affected by some damage
Burning Blade is now Splash damage.
Way of the Wind now increases Self Healing intead of Healing.
Leap now also grants Unstoppable when used at minimum distance.
Fixed an issue that caused Reactive Ballistospores to not work correctly with
cooldown resets.
Deafening Blast now applies Black Arrows if active.
Deafening Blast now reveals targets hit.
Fixed an issue that caused Evasive Fire to be refreshed while Blinded.
Fixed an issue that caused Lost Soul to reduce cooldowns while Blinded.
Fixed an issue that caused Overwhelming Affliction to apply the slow to a
Remorseless target when firing at a target with 3 stacks.
Fixed an issue that caused Possession to give more XP than intended for
Fixed an issue that caused Remorseless to not apply Black Arrows while
Fixed an issue that caused Remorseless to not Stun enemies while Black Arrows
is active.
Fixed an issue that caused Remorseless to not Stun Mercenaries with 3 stacks
of Black Arrows and Merenary Queen.
Might of the Banshee Queen is no longer removed on death.
Wailing Arrow no longer reveals area around Sylvanas when cast.
Wailing Arrow now reveals the area of detonation.
Archon no longer applies armor reduction while Blinded.
Archon Splash damage no longer reveals targets hit.
Archon's Armor reduction is now removed by Stasis.
Feedback's Armor reduction is now removed by Stasis.
Fixed an issue that caused Oracle to not show in the Death Recap.
Khaydarin Amulet will now reveal while active after the attack expires.
Feral Resilience now has a block visual.
The Lost Vikings
Hunka' Burning Olaf now reveals target instead of the area around the target.
It's a Sabotage can no longer be applied while Erik is Blinded.
Nordic Attack Squad now shows in recap.
Viking Bribery stack count is no longer visible on the scoreboard to other
Bullet Spray now reveals targets hit.
Fixed an issue that caused Composition B and Quantum Spike to deal percent
damage to non-Heroes.
Heavy Handed's Armor is now removed by Stasis.
If Locked and Loaded has been activated, then the floating text for
completing the reload will display as a crit.
Is That a Healthpack can no longer heal Vehicles.
Locked and Loaded no longer causes Basic Attacks to display as a crit.
Ricochet will no longer reveal targets hit (Tracer Rounds will still apply if
Telefrag no longer reduces the cooldown of Recall while Blinded.
When Tracer completes a reload, it now displays floating text.
Archangel's Wrath now reveals targets hit by the explosion.
Bound by Law no longer refreshes El'Druin's Might while Blinded.
Fixed an issue that caused Elune's Chosen to heal for overkill damage.
Fixed an issue that caused Self Healing to not increase her Self Healing.
Fixed an issue that caused Sentinel to be reset if a Hallucination is killed
while revealed.
Fxied an issue where Mark of Mending was not healing Evading targets.
Divine Storm now reveals targets hit instead of area around targets hit.
Divine Storm now reveals the area it affects.
Holy Radiance now reveals enemies hit.
Holy Radiance reveal updated to match area of effect.
Ambush now reveals the target for 2 seconds.
Blade Flurry now reveals targets for 2 seconds.
Blade Flurry now reveals the area it affects.
Cheap Shot now reveals the target for 2 seconds.
Eviscerate now reveals the target for 2 seconds.
Fixed an issue where Garrote's damage displayed incorrectly in the Death
Garrote now reveals the target for 2 seconds.
Sinister Strike now reveals the target for 2 seconds.
Fixed an issue that caused Juggernaut to be capable of activating on-hit
effects on Invulnerable enemies.
Fixed an issue that caused Varian's Victory Rush button to be grayed out.
Master At Arms now reveals targets hit and the area affected.
Clemency no longer reveals the area around the heal target.
Divine Reckoning now reveals targets hit.
Inquisition and Shared Punishment now reveal the target for 2 seconds after
Inquisition now reveals the target instead of the area around the target.
Searing Lash now reveals targets hit.
Shackler no longer reveals the area it affects.
Aegis of Light no longer reveals area it affects.
Avenging Wrath now reveals targets hit.
Dauntless now has a block visual.
Holy Wrath now consumes Block charges.
Righteous Hammer now reveals targets hit.
Vindication now reveals targets hit.
Explosive Barrier now reveals the area and targets.
Fixing an issue where Zarya's Defensive Shielding did not stack correctly
with other blocks.
Splash damage no longer reveals targets.
Cleave now reveals the area it affects.
Buzzsaw now reveals targets hit for 2 seconds.
Grievous Throw now reveals targets hit for 2 seconds.
Guillotine now reveals targets hit.
Twin Cleave now reveals targets hit.
Wrong Place Wrong Time now reveals targets hit for 2 seconds.
pmes9866 (沒見過帥哥喔)
2023-10-24 11:31:00啥
TGD01 (...)
2023-10-24 11:45:00!?!?!?
glion (Weison)
2023-10-24 12:01:00真正意義上的不死族
作者: nipai (小勇) 2023-10-24 12:20:00
LayerZ (無法如願)
2023-10-24 12:27:00無敵無法阻擋投射物 薩姆羅隱形治療1%->3%/s 風之路5%->4%
goldseed (黃金種å)
2023-10-24 12:27:00微軟88995
Wangdy (蒙古人)
2023-10-24 12:30:00這版還有這麼多活人啊!
liuba (風行痕)
2023-10-24 13:02:00這麼多應該老早就修好了,只是某些原因一直壓著沒放出
libooo (libooo)
2023-10-24 13:06:00感謝微軟爸爸!英霸重返榮耀!
fransice7 (哀川慎之介/法爾希歐)
2023-10-24 14:08:00這遊戲還活著= =?
paulgao (paulgao)
2023-10-24 14:41:00神串留名
vixa (藍田原人)
2023-10-24 15:45:00卡位卡位~有鏡頭嗎?
作者: cp9cm (cp9cm) 2023-10-24 16:12:00
tzonren (LoreN.)
2023-10-24 17:20:00英霸也列入有生之年系列
topchris (踏破克里斯)
2023-10-24 17:39:00來點中午來點中文
作者: smme2009 2023-10-24 18:23:00
作者: ironny1987 2023-10-24 21:44:00
tttggg (古意)
2023-10-24 21:57:00低調推
bone (啊 這個"可"理解)
2023-10-24 22:10:00哭啊
vmp1i6jo4 (KillienWei)
2023-10-25 08:24:00見證奇蹟的時候
作者: dashon (lol) 2023-10-25 17:45:00
一息尚存的概念 XD
JOHNJJ (囧ä¸ä¸)
2023-10-25 18:38:00微軟爸爸要救英霸了嗎
作者: borhaur 2023-10-25 19:01:00
j4082 (神(經病))
2023-10-25 22:06:00英霸要火
作者: pp5487pp 2023-10-26 03:26:00
Nangol (鐵目)
2023-10-26 13:49:00微軟爸爸救救英霸
sswxy9 (小凱)
2023-10-26 22:31:00還火咧,我看是燃燒殆盡了吧
朝聖一下 這IP本來就沒那麼差 出個2.0版本看不能翻身
IP本身不差 甚至可以說是豪華 差的是玩法太MMORPG而不MOBA 整天被逼去解地圖任務 一個不知道要幹嘛整隊一起陪葬的體驗真的很差 逆風方沒什麼逆轉手段
cumsubin (Daisuke)
2023-10-29 13:03:00我還在等聖光大螺絲
KRSmp (鶇)
2023-10-29 16:36:00!!!
作者: eric2688 (嘎嗚嗚) 2023-10-29 21:36:00
glion (Weison)
2023-10-30 10:13:00因為這次patch我又回鍋玩了 很期待Blizz.com能有點東西
moecao14 (moecao)
2023-10-30 15:34:00又要火了嗎?
作者: blackflag 2023-11-01 00:33:00
作者: foxtrot004 (Leo) 2023-11-01 12:39:00
逆風方可以分推追經驗 但少有人懂
Wangdy (蒙古人)
2023-11-01 15:36:00分推被抓爆
sswxy9 (小凱)
2023-11-01 21:42:00逆風方還想分推根本就欠殺,這遊戲逆風想翻盤只有天賦持平的時候才有辦法13級和14、15級跟16級和17、18級會戰根本不算大劣勢
分推不是完全沒用 老話一句 就還是看角色 地圖 情勢
simomo (不臭空氣)
2023-11-02 13:38:00會輸會贏都是吃隊友
作者: foxtrot004 (Leo) 2023-11-03 22:12:00
說不能分推的可以學著看小地圖 然後被打出等差還繼續團戰讓對面滾優勢 期望翻盤的機率不是很高
改成類似dota2, lol的買裝機制是唯一解, 不要再逞強
ms0286415 (ms0286415)
2023-11-05 00:45:00英霸永不消逝
作者: kassdy (淚線逆流) 2023-11-10 17:04:00
什麼 怎麼回事?微軟爸爸嗎
adi5566 (阿滴5566)
2023-12-03 02:16:00我還以為我看錯