※ 引述《qqqooozzz (三匙奶油)》之銘言:
: 請問矮人礦坑的十週年擴充
: Saboteur: Rock Gold,
: 2014出的,裡面好像只有三張牌,爬文好像都沒看到有人討論,也不知道玩起來如何,
: 因為看到有人在賣,不過不便宜,想問大家一下,不知這小擴玩起來如何?值得買嗎?
: 另外外文版跟中文版差別只在說明書跟外盒嗎?
Promo card suggestion - rules 1.3
After receiving his role card, the player at the right of the Start player
places the promo card anywhere on the game surface, except adjacent to the
Start or a Destination card. He can chose one side, one specific valid
direction and one specific location (i.e. 2 spaces above and 1 space left to
the Start card).
The first player who manages to establish a link from the Start card to this
card, gets 1 or 2 gold points (as depicted on the card). Keep the points
temporarily face-up.
The points are definitively acquired once the player decides to quit the
round. He can announce to quit the round immediately or at the start of one
of his subsequent turns. When you quit the round, put the acquired points
facedown. Keep your role secret till the end of the round. You cannot get any
extra point and you don't count for the distribution of points
On the other hand, if the player prefers to remain in the round till the end,
he gets the extra points only when he wins.
You may not play the "cave-in" card on the promo card to remove it.
When using the expansion, you may not establish the connection by placing a
"ladder" card immediately adjacent to this card.
2015.03.01 jed