[問題] Zombicide Spawn card是不是少了 211~222

作者: plus1 (加1)   2015-07-30 12:45:02
整理了一下歷年來的Zombicide Spawn card,
The Spawn cards consist of #1 to #42
(2)Zombicide Box of Zombies Set #1: Walk of the Dead
The Spawn cards consist of #43 to #54
(3)Zombicide Box of Zombies Set #5: Zombie Dogz
Cards are numbered 55-66
(4)Zombicide Toxic City Mall
Cards are numbered 67-78
(5)Zombicide Prison Outbreak
Cards are numbered 79-120
(6)Zombicide Box of Zombies Set #4: Walk of the Dead 2
Cards are numbered 121-132
(7)Zombicide Box of Zombies Set #2: Toxic Crowd
Cards are numbered 133-138
(8)Zombicide Box of Zombies Set #3: Angry Zombies
Cards are numbered 139-144
(9)Zombicide Rue Morgue
Cards are numbered 145-192
(10)Zombicide Angry Neighbors
Cards are numbered 193-204
(11)Zombicide Box of Zombies Set #7: Lost Zombivors
Cards are numbered 205-210
(13)Zombicide Box of Zombies Set #9: VIP #1 – Very Infected People
Cards are numbered 223-234
(14)Zombicide Box of Zombies Set #8: Murder of Crowz
Cards are numbered 235-246
作者: zzaaa (Six Seasons And A Movie)   2015-07-30 14:36:00
211-222是VIP1 223-234是VIP2
作者: plus1 (加1)   2015-07-30 15:36:00
咦是喔 來檢查一下

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