shilfq (阿軟)
2016-03-15 20:08:13爬文發現沒有深水城領主的FAQ
Lords of Waterdeep
Some of the following can be found in the official FAQ, and are simply
copy-pasted, while some others are a bit changed for better understanding.
Some are remarks that the game designers did in BGG forums themselves,
and some others are additional stuff that needed to be mentioned.
Q: For the intrigue card "Sample Wares", what does "unused agent" mean?
Does this mean an agent from your agent pool, or do you reassign the
agent you just played?
對於"Sample Wares"這張陰謀卡,什麼是"未使用的特務"? 意思是特務池中的
A: It refers to one of your unused agents from your agent pool.
Q: One player plays "Sample Wares" and assigns an agent to a building in
"Builder's Hall". I have completed the "Recover the Magister's Orb"
plot quest, can I use its benefit to assign an agent to the same
building in "Builder's Hall" as my opponent did with "Sample Wares"?
一位玩家打出"Sample Wares"陰謀卡並派遣特務去"Builder's Hall"建築物,
我已完成了"Recover the Magister's Orb"陰謀任務,我是否可以利用陰謀任
務效果,派遣特務去剛剛打出"Sample Wares"陰謀卡的對手特務佔據的建築物
A: Yes. "Recover the Magister's Orb" allows you to assign an agent to
a space containing an opponent's agent, which trumps the normal rule
about assigning agents to buildings in play, as well as assigning
agents to spaces containing an opponent's agents. Also, no player
actually owns the used building, so noone gets the owner benefit.
可以,"Recover the Magister's Orb"任務允許你派遣一個特務到已包含其他
Q: What happens if you use the "Sample Wares" intrigue card on a "When
purchased/start of round..." building?
如果對一個有"當 購買當下/新的遊戲輪" 的建築物使用"Sample Wares"陰謀
A: You get nothing, that's because - see Note 1 below.
Caution: "The Waymoot" is an exception to this rule, if this building
has accumulated VP tokens by simply staying unbought in
"Builder's Hall" throughout the game, using "Sample Wares"
does give you those VP's, plus 1 face-up quest. Just follow the
directions of the building literally.
注意:"The Waymoot"建築物例外,如果這個建築物在未被購買的情況下累積VP,
使用"Sample Wares"陰謀卡會讓你得到累積的VP加上一張面朝上的任務卡
Q: With buildings that accumulate resources, such as "Caravan Court",
are resources placed on them while they are unbuilt (still in
"Builder's Hall")?
對於有累積資源的建築物,例如:"Caravan Court"建築物,在他們尚未被購買
A: No.
Note 1: Those buildings do not have resources placed on them until they
are in play.
Q: What do you do if you run out of places to play (an agent to)? Must
you pass?
A: The round ends in the case that no one can legally assign an agent.
If one person cannot legally assign an agent, he/she must pass.
Q: What if an agent is placed in "Builder's Hall" and the player doesn't
have money to buy a building (or doesn't want to buy a building)? Can
the agent be placed there, or is the space banned from being played on
if the cost can't be paid? What if it is the last place left to play
an agent to?
如果玩家派遣特務到"Builder Hall"(建築師大廳)卻沒有足夠的錢購買建築物
A: You must be able to perform all parts of an action to take that action.
That means paying the cost of a building, or returning two adventurers
for "The Three Pearls", etc. So, no, you can't just block
"Builder's Hall".
或像是"The Three Pearls"建築物歸還兩個冒險者等等,所以你不能就單純佔據
"Builder's Hall"。
Q: Can you assign an agent to a space if you cannot take the action
(for example, assigning an agent to "Waterdeep Harbor" to block it,
even though you have no intrigue cards)?
卡,卻仍然派遣特務佔據"Waterdeep Harbor"(深水港))
A: No. You must be able to complete all instructions for the space you are
choosing in order to take that action.
Q: What happens if there are no legal spaces for any player to assign an
agent to?
A: The round ends immediately.
Q: Does the ambassador stay on the space it was assigned to if no one
assigns an agent to "Palace of Waterdeep"?
如果沒人派遣特務到"Palace of Waterdeep"建築物,那大使會一直留在之前被
A: No. At the end of the round, if no one has assigned an agent to
"Palace of Waterdeep" and claimed the ambassador, the ambassador is
removed from the board.
不會。如果沒有玩家派遣特務到"Palace of Waterdeep"建築物去取得大使,
Q: The ambassador's rules say it is treated as an opponent's agent. Do I
get the benefit of the space (not the owner benefit) I assign it to?
A: Yes. It is treated as an opponent's agent once it is on the board.
When you assign any agent (including the ambassador or the lieutenant),
you always gain the benefit of the space. In other words, the
ambassador belongs to you before assigning him anywhere, but he counts
as an opponent's agent for all players after he's assigned. So, you
can't return the ambassador to your agent pool (by completing the
"Research Chronomancy" quest or by playing the "Recall Agent" intrigue
card), because he doesn't belong to you anymore.But, you can use
"The Zoarstar" building, the "Bribe Agent" intrigue card, or the
"Recover the Magister's Orb" plot quest to use the space that is
occupied by the ambassador (as he is an opponent's agent now).
(透過完成"Research Chronomancy"任務或是打出"Recall Agent"陰謀卡)將
但是你可以使用"The Zoarstar"建築物、"Bribe Agent"陰謀卡或是
"Recover the Magister's Orb"陰謀任務效果去使用被大使佔據的行動格
Q: If I complete the "Recruit Lieutenant" quest as a result of reassigning
an agent from "Waterdeep Harbor", do I get to assign that agent
如果我透過"Waterdeep Harbor"(深水港)再次派遣特務而完成了"Recruit
A: Yes. If any effect puts a new agent into your pool during reassignment
from "Waterdeep Harbor", you assign that agent immediately. However,
you can't assign him to "Waterdeep Harbor" (he follows the same rule
as the "Research Chronomancy" quest, a returned/new agent can't be
assigned to "Waterdeep Harbor" during the reassignment phase of the
是滴。如果你在"從Waterdeep Harbor再次派遣特務"時因為任何效果獲得一個新
(他的規則等同於"Reseach Chronomancy"任務:在遊戲輪中的"從Waterdeep
"Waterdeep Harbor")
Rule Clarification
If you use "The Zoarstar" building or the "Bribe Agent" intrigue card on
an opponent's building, that opponent gains the owner benefit, exactly as
though you had assigned an agent to that building. If the building has a
cost in order to use it ("House of Wonder", "Smuggler's Dock" or
"The Three Pearls"), you'll have to pay it. If you use any of these on
an opponent's agent who is placed in "Builder's Hall", you have to pay
for the gold cost of the building you want to buy, as well.
如果你在一個對手的建築物上面對對手的特務使用"The Zoarstar"建築物或是
"Bribe Agent"陰謀卡效果,該建築物的擁有者會得到擁有者獎勵,就像你派遣
如果使用該建築物時需要花費("House of Wonder"、"Smuggler's Dock"或是
"The Three Pears"),你就必須支付。
如果你對佔據"Builder's Hall"的特務使用此類效果,你就必須支付你想購買建
Q: The "Bribe Agent" intrigue card instructs me to pay 2 gold coins,
do I simply return these coins to the supply?
"Bribe Agent"陰謀卡指示我支付兩個金幣,是將金幣歸還回供應區嗎?
A: Yes.
Rule Clarification
The "Bribe Agent" intrigue card works exactly the same as "The Zoarstar"
building. The card allows you to use the action provided by the space,
while not actually placing an agent there. If you use any of these on an
opponent's agent who is placed in "Waterdeep Harbor" you will be able to
use an intrigue card, but you won't be able to reassign a
physically-nonexistent agent. The reassignment is an event that is
separate from the action. Reassignment only applies to agents that are
actually present (physically) in "Waterdeep Harbor" in that phase of the
"Bribe Agent"陰謀卡的作用和"The Zoarstar"建築物相同,卡片效果允許你使用
如果你對位在"Waterdeep Harbor"的特務使用此類效果,你可以打一張陰謀卡,
"Waterdeep Harbor"的特務才能在此遊戲輪進行再次派遣特務階段。
Q: When I use "The Zoarstar" to take a "Waterdeep Harbor" action, do I
also get to reassign the agent from "The Zoarstar" at the end of the
當我使用"The Zoarstar"建築物效果獲得"Waterdeep Harbor"的行動時,我能再輪
末的再次派遣特務階段時重新指派位在"The Zoarstar"建築物上的特務嗎?
A: No. The text in the appendix of the rulebook is in error.
Rule Clarification
If someone assigns an agent to "Castle Waterdeep" and takes the first
player marker, another player may use the "Bribe Agent" intrigue card,
"The Zoarstar" building, or assign a second agent to "Castle Waterdeep"
with the help of the "Recover the Magister's Orb" plot quest,
then that player "steals" the first player marker for himself/herself.
如果已經有玩家派遣特務到"Castle Waterdeep"並取得起始玩家標誌,另一位玩家
可以使用"Bribe Agent"陰謀卡、"The Zoarstar"建築物或透過"Recover the
Magister's Orb"陰謀任務派遣第二個特務,
Q: Let's say I assign an agent to a building, then another player assigns
a second agent to the same building with the help of the "Recover the
Magister's Orb" plot quest. Can I use the "Bribe Agent" intrigue card
or "The Zoarstar" building to assign one additional agent of mine to
that building?
假如我派遣一個特務到一個建築物,然後另一位玩家透過"Recover the
Magister's Orb"陰謀任務派遣第二個特務到和我相同的行動格上,我能對該特
務使用"Bribe Agent"陰謀卡或"The Zoarstar"建築物效果來視為我指派額外的
A: Yes, you can. As long as the building (action space) contains an
opponent's agent, it is doable.
Q: Can more than 10 buildings be in play?
A: Yes. The number of empty building spaces on the board is no limit to
the number of buildings that can be in play during the game. Some
quests, and or intrigue cards, may allow you to build buildings. There
is also quest, that allows you to take an occupied spot, so two
players could go to Builder's Hall.
玩家可以前往"Builder's Hall"。
Q: Can you control more buildings than the number of control markers you
A: No. The number of control markers you have is the maximum number of
buildings you can have in a single game.
Q: Some buildings have a "/" on their description, what does it mean?
A: It means "or", so you can get any combination of the alleged
Q: Does "The Stone House" building count itself as a building tile?
"The Stone House"建築物效果的計算有包含自己本身嗎?
A: Yes, it does.
Q: Does an effect that places a building, or puts a building into play
count as buying/purchasing the building?
A: No. You count as having bought a building only if you assign an agent
to "Builder's Hall" and pay the gold cost of the building. Putting a
building into play by other means (such as by completing the
"Lure Artisans of Mirabar" quest) does not count as buying the
building. However, if you put a building into play under your control
from "Builder's Hall" and that building has any VP tokens on it, you
gain those VP's regardless of whether you bought it or simply put it
in play.
不算,只有當你派遣一個特務到"Builder's Hall"購買建築物並支付建築物所需
(例如透過完成"Lure Artisans of Mirabar"任務)。
Rule Clarification
The "Real Estate Deal" intrigue card is the only card in the game that
allows a player to discard (remove from the board) a building.
"Real Estate Deal"陰謀卡是遊戲中唯一能允許玩家將一個建築物棄掉(移出圖板)
Q: When I assign an agent to "Heroes' Garden", do I still return
resources to the supply when completing the chosen quest?
當我派遣特務到"Heroes' Garden"建築物,完成所選擇的任務後我需要將資源歸
A: Yes. "Heroes' Garden" simply gives you an opportunity to complete the
quest, if you have all the required resources. Completing this quest
does not count toward your limit of completing one quest each time you
assign an agent, so you could potentially complete a second quest
after assigning an agent to "Heroes' Garden". You can use this building
just for taking 1 face-up quest, even if you can't complete it
immediately. However, if you complete that quest later on, you won't
score those additional 4 VP's.
是的,"Heroes' Garden"只是單純的給你機會去完成任務,如果你擁有全部
所以在你派遣一個特務到"Heroes' Garden"後,你有可能可以完成第二個任務。
Q: With regard to the "Produce a Miracle for the Masses" quest, how many
adventurers can I convert to clerics each time I gain the benefit of
the plot quest?
關於"Produce a Miracle for the Masses"任務,每次觸發陰謀任務效果能將
A: One. The plot quest benefit states that once per round when you take
an action that provides you with any number of clerics, you can convert
a single adventurer in your tavern (a fighter, a rogue, or a wizard)
into a cleric.
Rule Clarification
The "Accelerate Plans" intrigue card is useful only if you have an unused
agent in your agent pool in addition to the one you remove from
"Waterdeep Harbor". It's a card you should play early in the round. You
can assign these 2 agents anywhere you like, even to "Waterdeep Harbor".
"Accelerate Plans"陰謀卡在你的特務池中有尚未使用的特務時非常管用,召回你
剛放置在"Waterdeep Harbor"的特務並馬上派遣兩個特務到你喜歡的任意行動格
(也可以是"Waterdeep Harbor"),是一張你應該在遊戲輪早期打出的卡。
Q: Does the "Change of Plans" intrigue card refer to all players for
being able to discard a mandatory quest?
"Change of Plans"陰謀卡能讓所有玩家可以棄掉強制任務嗎?
A: Yes. All the players can discard a mandatory quest, not just the
player that plays the card.
Q: Are my active quests always face up?
A: Yes. Additionally, each time you take a quest, you must place it face
up with your other active quests.
Rule Clarification
There's no limit on how many active/completed/plot quests a player may
have, and the same occurs with the intrigue cards - there's no hand
Q: Some quests instruct you to "take quest from Cliffwatch Inn" as a
reward, while some buildings instruct you to "take 1 face-up quest"
when you use them. Do they mean the same thing?
有些任務獎勵指示你從"Cliffwatch Inn"接一個任務,而有些建築物行動指示
A: Yes. You take 1 face-up quest from "Cliffwatch Inn".
是的,你從"Cliffwatch Inn"拿取一個面朝上的任務。
Rule Clarification
After assigning an agent to "Cliffwatch Inn" and acquiring a quest, you
can immediately complete that quest, if you have the required resources.
派遣特務到"Cliffwatch Inn"接任務後,如果你有足夠的資源你可以立即完成它。
Q: When you move (reassign) an agent out of "Waterdeep Harbor" to another
building, are you taking another turn? Can you complete a quest?
從"Waterdeep Harbor"移動一個特務(再次派遣)時,是另一個的回合嗎?可以
A: You can complete a quest after moving (reassigning) an agent out of
"Waterdeep Harbor" - it is another turn.
在你從"Waterdeep Harbor"移動(再次派遣)一個特務時,你可以完成一個任務,
Rule Clarification
"Whenever you complete an X quest, you score 2 VP's":
1) These plot quest cards don't count themselves, so you don't score the
additional VP's just for completing the quest itself.
2) The ability of this card begins to work after you have it completed.
If you had completed X quests before completing this plot quest, you
don't score the additional VP's for those quests.
3) You count these additional VP's immediately after completing an
X quest, not at the final scoring.
Rule Clarification
If you complete the "Prison Break" quest, you have to be able to play an
intrigue card. If you don't have an intrigue card to play, then you
can't complete the quest. If you play that intrigue card while having
the "Place a Sleeper Agent in Skullport" plot quest completed, you score
2 additional VP's.
如果你完成"Prison Break"任務,那你必須打出一張陰謀卡。如果你沒有陰謀卡
如果你打出那張陰謀卡時手邊已完成"Place a Sleeper Agent in Skullport"
Rule Clarification
"Whenever you take an action that provides X, also take Y...":
What does "taking an action" mean? When do I get Y by getting X?
First of all, you take an action when:
1) you assign an agent
2) you complete a quest
Now, you deserve to get Y when:
1) you assign an agent to any building that gives you X
2) you assign an agent to "Waterdeep Harbor", and then you play an
intrigue card that gives you X
你派遣一個特務到"Waterdeep Harbor",然後你打一張會給你X的陰謀卡。
Caution: You don't get Y by completing quests that reward you with X.
That's because - see Note 2 below.
Caution: If you complete the "Prison Break" quest and then play an
intrigue card that gives you X, you don't get Y. That's because
(it's written on the card) you play the intrigue card without
taking an action.
注意:如果你完成"Prison Break"任務然後打出一張會給你X的陰謀卡,則你不會
Lastly, you don't deserve to get Y even if you got X when:
1) you get X from an opponent's played intrigue card
2) you get X when an opponent used a building you own
That's because you never took an action youself, but your opponent did.
Caution: If you get X through a plot quest's ability, for example
"Defend the Tower of Luck", you don't get Y. That's because
- see Note 2 below.
注意:如果你透過陰謀任務獲得X(例如"Defend the Tower of Luck"陰謀任務),
Q: If a plot quest gives me resources for having taken an action, did I
gain those resources as a part of taking the action?
A: No. You gained the extra resources from the effect of the plot quest,
not from the action itself.
Note 2: The benefits of plot quests, and the rewards for completing a
quest, never count as being a part of an action.
Q: Does playing an intrigue card to gain resources count as taking an
action to gain that resource (such as with the "Call for Adventurers")?
打出一張陰謀卡來獲得資源算是執行一個行動來獲得資源嗎?(例如"Call for
A: Yes. When you assign an agent to "Waterdeep Harbor", that action
includes playing the intrigue card and its effects. Therefore, when
you gain resources from an intrigue card you play, you have taken an
action to receive those resources. However, if you receive resources
from another player's intrigue card (for example, if someone else
played the "Call for Adventurers"), you have not taken an action to
gain those resources.
是的,當你派遣一個特務到"Waterdeep Harbor",該行動包含打出一張陰謀卡
"Call for Adventurers"陰謀卡),則你沒有執行行動來獲得那些資源。
希望有解答到一些疑問 END