2.1300元 Pandemic: The Cure
3.1600元 Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach
4.1400元 Innovation + Echoes擴(均為漂亮的IELLO版)
5.1000元 Trieste
6.1300元 Down in Flames: WWII-Guns Blazing
7.2500元 Churchill
8.1600元 Strike of the Eagle
9.1000元 Hell's Gate
10.300元 Tides of Time
11.500元 Flying Tigers (Command magazine version)
12.500元 Battleground Fantasy Warfare: High Elves
13.500元 Battleground Fantasy Warfare: Lizardmen
14.500元 Battleground Fantasy Warfare: Monsters & Mercenaries
15.1500元 Thunderstone Advance: Towers of Ruin
16.1000元 Thunderstone Advance: Root of Corruption
17.600元 Dungeon War 盒子有小撕裂