GP03D (總統府防禦用MA)
2018-03-03 03:19:33我在搜尋gloomhaven的時候發現有這篇香港fb上的文章翻譯
我只有買過一次Kick starter桌遊
[翻譯] Backed 150 KS Boardgame ,我後悔了! (After backing 150 board games on
Kickstarter, regret finally sets in
原文: http://mashable.com/2017/09/14/kickstarter-board-games/#Sd.IOE6XZiqN
原文中的原文: https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/700jrz/an_epiphany_
“Over the past two-and-a-half years, Reddit user Ranker2 has spent more than
$16,000 backing more than 150 board game projects on Kickstarter. It turns out
it wasn't worth it.”
這兩年半以來, Reddit (註#外國有名討論區) 一位用戶 Ranker2 在KS 上花了 $16000
購買超過150款桌遊, 他最後得出來的答案是 - “不值得”。
In a Reddit post titled "An epiphany after 2.5 years backing board games on Ki
ckstarter,"Ranker2 wrote about their habit of backing board games on Kickstart
er, how it became a sort of addiction, and how they recently came to the reali
zation that most of the board games they backed weren't even enjoyable.
在一個名為 “KS Boardgame 2年半的領悟” 的討論上, Ranker2 寫下他 KS 桌遊的經
"I reviewed my [Kickstarter] backed list to take inventory on what has or hasn
't been delivered when it hit me: most of the games I had backed are terrible
or don't get much play," Ranker2 wrote. "While there may be a dozen that the b
oard gaming community may agree were successes, it doesn't mean that THAT type
of game or genre was something I enjoyed. Going through the list, I was able
to count on one hand how many of those 100+ Kickstarted board games I liked."
“我為了檢查到貨的情況,我走到KS網頁查看我支持了的項目。暮然回首 ,我發覺有很
多遊戲是十分差勁,很少出場。” Ranker 續道 :“ 雖然這些遊戲都是大眾所支持推
算我喜歡的遊戲, 一隻手掌都數得晒。”
Ranker2 followed up on his post with a comment listing every project they back
ed and how much they paid to back it.
Ranker2 在之後留言列出他支持了的項目及資助額。(我放到最後,不想佔版面)
How did it get this bad? Ranker2 said it was their fear of missing out (FOMO)
on a potentially good game or a game that other people in the board game commu
nity were excited about.
Ranker2 嘗試解釋為什麼會出現這個狀況,他認為是”害怕錯過的感覺” (fear of miss
ing out)驅使他這樣做,他害怕會錯過一款潛力遊戲或是失去錯過一款桌遊圈子會雀躍的
"Kickstarting games felt as if I was part of this insider club with first snea
k peeks at board games that the general population wasn't even aware of," Rank
er2 wrote. "I would monitor the [Kickstarter] Roundup almost religiously. As t
ime progressed, I kept Kickstarting more and more due to the fear of missing o
ut ... I even backed projects simply because they had a large number of backer
s — obviously the game must be great or else so many people wouldn't have bac
ked it right?"
“KS 遊戲給我的感覺就像桌遊界的內幕。遊戲會首次曝光,卻沒有太多玩桌遊的人會留
意。” Ranker2寫到: “我逛KS 就好像信仰一樣,每週都會去參加崇拜。隨著時間經過
Ranker2 also wrote about how Kickstarting board games usually ends up saving b
uyers a bit of money, especially if they have to resort to buying the game or
add-ons through eBay.
Ranker2也提到,特別是收藏家,KS遊戲通常會比在ebay 後追便宜一點。
Backing board games became a bit of an addiction, Ranker 2 wrote. Perhaps this
stems from Kickstarter being a bit of a gamble — you're paying for an unfini
shed project with the hope that it will prove to be great. But there's always
a chance that the Kickstarter will fall through or just fail to meet expectati
購買遊戲是會上癮的。某程度上KS 就好像一場賭博,你在投資一項未完成的遊戲,期望
"Doing the math, it seems like the winning move is to sit back, let the brave
souls sort out the wheat from the chaff, and pay the eBay tax when a winner co
mes along," Ranker2 wrote. "I'd have a lot more money on my hands not to menti
on a lot more shelf space."
Sounds like a good plan.
得更便宜,哪些滄海唯珠就留給”勇者”吧。Ranker2 最後說 “以上還沒有計算我花在
其實這狀況又怎會只出現在KS 中呢?當你有100盒桌遊 或者100個電玩遊戲,總有數款是
不論社會及遊戲,都是會隨時間不斷進步。在我而言,KS 的問題倒是 一個2年前的構思
竟KS主要是以KS Exclusive 及 SG 為招來,支持者住住都害怕這個感覺而KS 了。但如果
最後 -
這位仁兄的back list文章裡也有,不過太多了,我就不貼了。