太晚跟到 不然我也想去嗚嗚
宅宅們至少當過兵 知道掃把要怎麼拿
可能會在基地附近 有些基地可能已經沒在用了 不過附近應該還是會有退下來的人在生活
Antonio Bautista Air Base.
Located near the capital of the island province of Palawan,
which is strategically located near the contested Spratly
Islands in the South China Sea.
Basa Air Base.
Located about 40 miles northwest of the Philippines' capital, Manila,
the air base was originally constructed by the
U.S. Army Air Corps before the Second World War.
Fort Magsaysay.
Located on the northern Island of Luzon,
Fort Magsaysay is the largest military installation in the Philippines,
and is one of the primary training areas of the Philippine Army.
Lumbia Air Base.
Located on the southern island of Mindanao,
the air base is connected to a civilian airport.
Local media reports say construction of a new U.S. facility will begin soon.
Mactan-Benito Ebuen Air Base.
Located on Mactan Island of the coast of Cebu in the central Philippines.
It was originally built by the U.S. Air Force before the American pullout
in the early 1990s.
祝武運昌隆 平安回家
※ 引述《gagshen (茶)》之銘言:
: 去年10月底女朋友決定去菲律賓做博弈業的活動規劃人員...我阻止不了
: 但是我幾乎每個月會飛去找她
: 每天也都會聊天
: 她也天天說愛我
: 現在卻有個男人拿她手機跟我說我們兩個都互相被騙被劈腿了...
: 現在表弟(中東人)把她關起來並且邀請我去找他
: 他說要找十多個人強X她...
: 這女的為了保命還在三個人視訊的時候叫我說謊...
: 我到底應不應該去菲律賓救她呢?(她媽媽拜託我過去救她)
: P.S. 永遠不要相信女朋友的女生朋友...她們永遠都會互相幫忙說謊!
: 我每個月還傻傻的給她生活費...想說她賺到的錢全部都可以省下來...