alchemi (Taiwanese)
2013-10-29 03:11:32※ [本文轉錄自 Monotheism 看板 #1IR1fyFM ]
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※ 引述《Tiunn (guesswho)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Christianity 看板 #1IQIggZ4 ]
: 作者: Tiunn (guesswho) 看板: Christianity
: 標題: 「地方召會」被列入ECNR『新宗教與非正統教派』
: 時間: Thu Oct 24 22:11:47 2013
: 「地方召會」被列入ECNR『新宗教與非正統教派』百科全書之理由
: 福音派基督徒之所以將「地方召會」列入ECNR『新宗教與非正統教派』百科全書,其理由
: 認為李氏下列幾點之教訓與正統基督徒信仰出現矛盾之處。特別是在教義上「神性的本質
: 」、「人性的本質」兩大部份。筆者補譯幾個重點供弟兄姊妹參考,好讓大家有重新思考
: 的空間。
: On the Nature of God
: 神的本質
: "The Son is called the Father; so the Son must be the Father. We must realize
: this fact. There are some who say that He is called the Father, but He is not
: really the Father. But how could He be called the Father and yet not be the
: Father?... In the place where no man can approach Him (I Tim. 6:16), God is
: the Father. When He comes forth to manifest Himself, He is the Son. So, a Son
: is given, yet His name is called 'The everlasting Father.' This very Son who
: has been given to us is the very Father."
: "子被稱為父,那麼子必然是父......"
: 出處:包羅萬有基督之靈。第四、五頁
: Witness Lee, The All-Inclusive Spirit of Christ
: (Los Angeles: The Stream Publishers, 1969), pp. 4-5
: "...the entire Godhead, the Triune God, became flesh."
: .....整個神格,是三一神,成為肉身.........
: 出處:神的新約經綸。第230頁
: Witness Lee, God's New Testament Economy
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1986), p. 230
: "The traditional explanation of the Trinity is grossly inadequate and
: borders on tritheism. When the Spirit of God is joined with us, God is not
: left behind, nor does Christ remain on the throne. This is the impression
: Christianity gives. They think of the Father as one Person, sending the Son,
: another Person, to accomplish redemption, after which the Son sends the
: Spirit, yet another Person. The Spirit, in traditional thinking, comes into
: the believers, while the Father and Son are left on the throne. When
: believers pray, they are taught to bow before the Father and pray in the name
: of the Son. To split the Godhead into these separate Persons is not the
: revelation of the Bible...."
: ..............把神格分為三個位格不是聖經的啟示......
: 出處:生命讀經。第164頁
: Witness Lee, Life Messages
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1979), p. 164
: Jesus who is the Son is also the Eternal Father. Our Lord is the Son, and He
: is also the Father. Hallelujah!"
: ..."子是那父,子也是那靈"........我們的主是那子,也是那父.......
: 出處:關於三一神。第18-19頁
: Witness Lee, Concerning the Triune God
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1973), pp. 18-19
: "Therefore, it is clear: The Lord Jesus is the Father, the Son, and the
: Spirit, and He is the very God. He is also the Lord. He is the Father, the
: Son, the Spirit, the Mighty God, and the Lord."
: ........主耶穌是父,是子,是那靈........
: 出處:關於三一神的屬靈啟示。
: Witness Lee, The Clear Scriptural Revelation
: Concerning the Triune God
: www.contendingforthefaith.org/responses/booklets/triune.html
: "The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are not three separate persons or three
: Gods; they are one God, one reality, one person."
: ....父,子,靈不是三個身位或三位神,....他們是一個身位......
: 出處:三一神活在人裡。第48頁
: Witness Lee, The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1970), p. 48
: On the Nature of Humanity
: 人性的本質
: "Christ is of two natures, the human and the divine, and we are the same: we
: are of the human nature, but covered with the divine. He is the God-man, and
: we are the God-men. He is the ark made of wood covered with gold, and we are
: the boards made of wood covered with gold. In number we are different, but in
: nature we are exactly the same."
: ....基督有人性和神性.....在本質上我們也是一樣.......
: 出處:包羅萬有基督。第103頁
: Witness Lee, The All-Inclusive Christ
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 5th ed. 1989), p. 103
: "God can say to His believers, 'I am divine and human,' and His believers
: can reply, 'Praise You, Lord. You are divine and human, and we are human and
: divine.'"
: 神可對信徒說"我是神也是人".....信徒可回答 "我們是人也是神".....
: 出處:三一神活在人裡。第51-52頁
: Witness Lee, The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1990), pp. 51-52
: "My burden is to show you clearly that God's economy and plan is to make
: Himself man and to make us, His created beings, 'God,' so that He is
: 'man-ized' and we are 'God-ized.' In the end, He and we, we and He, all
: become God-men.'
: ".....神的經綸和計劃是把祂自己做成人,把我們做成祂造的"神"......
: 出處:神聖分賜的更深研究。第54頁
: Witness Lee, A Deeper Study of the Divine Dispensing
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1990), p. 54
: "We the believers are begotten of God. What is begotten of man is man, and
: what is begotten of God must be God. We are born of God; hence, in this
: sense, we are God."
: ........我們 從神生,因此,在此理解,我們是神.
: 出處:Ibid., p. 53
: Ibid., p. 53
: "Because the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all one with the Body of
: Christ, we may say that the Triune God is now the 'four-in-one' God.' These
: four are the Father, the Son, the Spirit, and the Body. The Three of the
: Divine Trinity cannot be confused or separated, and the four-in-one also
: cannot be separated or confused."
: ........父、子、靈 都在基督的身體,我們可以說三一神現是四一神,父、子、靈和身
: 體。
: 出處:Ibid., pp. 203-204
: Ibid., pp. 203-204
: On the Legitimacy of Evangelical Churches and Denominations
: 基督教福音教會和各宗派的正統性
: We decry as inconsistent and unjustifiable the attempts by Living Stream and
: the "local churches" to gain membership in associations of evangelical
: churches and ministries while continuing to promote Witness Lee's denigrating
: characterizations of such churches and ministries as follows:
: 「地方召會」及「水流職事站」在取得基督教福音教會所屬的協會會員資格,卻同時繼續
: 推展李氏教導貶低這些基督教福音教會和事奉,我們認為此種做法是矛盾和不公義的。
: "The Lord is not building His church in Christendom, which is composed of the
: apostate Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant denominations. This
: prophecy is being fulfilled through the Lord's recovery, in which the
: building of the genuine church is being accomplished."
: .....主不是在基督教國建立召會,基督教國是由墮落羅馬天主教,和改革各宗派 .....
: 出處:新約恢復本99頁
: Witness Lee in The New Testament Recovery Version,
: note 184 (Matthew 16:18)
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1991), p. 99
: http://online.recoveryversion.org/FootNotes.asp?FNtsID=639
: "The apostate church has deviated from the Lord's word and become heretical.
: The reformed church, though recovered to the Lord's word to some extent, has
: denied the Lord's name by denominating herself, taking many other names, such
: as Lutherans, Wesleyan, Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, etc. ... To deviate
: from the Lord's word is apostasy, and to denominate the church by taking any
: name other than the Lord's is spiritual fornication."
: ......使用宗派否認主的名如信義會、衛思理會、長老會、浸信會.......
: 出處:新約恢復本1256頁
: Witness Lee in The New Testament Recovery Version,
: note 83 (Revelation 3:8)
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1991), p. 1256
: http://online.recoveryversion.org/FootNotes.asp?FNtsID=8759
: "I am afraid that a number of us are still under the negative influence of
: Christendom. We all have to realize that today the Lord is going on and on to
: fully recover us and bring us fully out of Christendom."
: ".....今天主要完成恢復我們帶我們完全離開基督教國 ........
: 出處: 教會歷史與地方召會。132頁
: Witness Lee, The History of the Church and the Local Churches
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1991), p. 132
: "In every denomination, including the Roman Catholic Church, there are real,
: saved Christians. They are God's people belonging to the Lord. But the
: organization of the denominations in which they are is not of God. The
: denominational organizations have been utilized by Satan to set up his
: satanic system to destroy God's economy of the proper church life."
: ..........基督教宗派組織是被撒旦利用建立撒旦系統破壞神的經綸........
: 出處:創世紀生命讀經464頁
: Witness Lee, "Message Thirty-Four" in The Life-Study of Genesis
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1987), Vol. 1, p. 464
: "We do not care for Christianity, we do not care for Christendom, we do not
: care for the Roman Catholic church, and we do not care for all the
: denominations, because in the Bible it says that the great Babylon is fallen.
: This is a declaration. Christianity is fallen, Christendom is fallen,
: Catholicism is fallen, and all the denominations are fallen. Hallelujah!"
: ...........這是個宣告基督教墮落...所有基督教宗派是墮落 .....
: 出處: 地方召會的七靈97頁
: Witness Lee, The Seven Spirits for the Local Churches
: (Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1989), p. 97
: "To know God is not adequate. To know Christ is also not adequate. Even to
: know the church is not adequate. We must go on to know the churches which are
: local. If we are up-to-date in following the Lord, we will realize that today
: is the day of the local churches."
: .......我們將會了解現今是地方召會的日子.
: 出處:Ibid., p. 23
: Ibid., p. 23
: We respectfully call on the leadership of Living Stream Ministry and the
: "local churches" to disavow and cease to publish these and similar
: declarations.
: 我們尊敬的呼籲「地方召會」及「水流職事站」領導,收回和停止出版這些和類似的教導
: 。
: http://blog.haleluya.com.tw/wataru/archives/6852.html
→ drea:上面那一篇不是就回答你了嗎?? 「但當我開始接觸福音派時,卻 10/25 19:58
→ drea:不時會聽到召會或靈恩派接近(或根本就是)異端的說法] 10/25 19:59
→ drea:但在接解召會or靈恩派時「他們不會指對方是異端或有嚴重的 10/25 20:00
→ drea:違背基要真理的問題,]
:韓德璞( Paul Hon ),台北市召會場我本人在現場,同年台北市召會呼求李常受特會,
Howard Higashi和余潔麟主持,我本人也在現場,我沒有呼求李常受的名,此場聚會一般
→ drea:若你說有『呼求李得生命特會』,我是沒聽過啦,但真若有的話 08/01 08:09
→ drea:那的確是異端,、、、 08/01 08:10
則你就是愛異端不愛真 神。本事件始末請參考「香港教會全體長老同工就當今工作局面
→ drea:從我進召會至今從沒聽過『呼求李得生命』這說法 10/25 21:42
→ drea:召會也沒這樣教我過,一樣,若我說謊就永世時下火湖 10/25 21:44
推 springxx:沒想到因為倪李的特立獨行害了不少人 10/25 21:24
→ springxx:召會 我最早待的教會 召會不是異端 10/25 21:25
→ springxx:李常受弟兄也不是異端 只不過 怪就怪在李弟兄有大頭症 10/25 21:26
→ springxx:倪我就不好說 畢竟不太了解 10/25 21:27
→ springxx:他們就是太自傲 10/25 21:28
→ springxx:一些作法有異端的影子 才會一直跟異端扯上邊 10/25 21:30
→ springxx:本身不是壞人 10/25 21:30
→ fisherke:許多教會有同樣的問題,教導問題不大,但組織運作有問題 10/25 22:27
→ fisherke:牧者用威權式的領導來帶羊,不允許有其他聲音,算異端嗎? 10/25 22:28
正統基督信仰 vs. 召會聚會所:
三一 神,三位一體 vs. 四一神,四位一體
神格裏父居首位 vs. 神格裏子居首位
父、子、聖靈區別而不分開 vs. 父就是子,子就是那靈
聖子道成肉身 vs. 聖父、聖子、聖靈一起道成肉身
基督是非受造 vs. 基督是受造物
獨一一位基督 vs. 團體的基督
神的兒女 vs. 人成為神