小弟刷open-wrt到這台AP一半死機,就醒不過來,連不上wifi, 數據線插黃色孔接電腦也ping不到192.168.1.1 查了一下發現90%以上的人都是照著OpenWrt論壇上這段解磚,甚至依此發了不少影片 但是在用tftp回復韌體這段,我按著reset鍵,LED全閃到,只亮lock跟連接port的燈 甚至開著wireshark搜尋,我不管怎麼試都無法用tftp連接我的無線分享器,更別說把 韌體更新回去。 請問各位,我在流程上出了什麼問題,有解嗎? TFTP recovery via bootloader for v8,v9,v10,v11,v12 As most other current TP-Link routers this device can be flashed and debricked without serial access. Basically, the procedure is as follows: 1. Set your PC to use the static IP address (the router will have 2. Put an OpenWrt factory image named: for v8 mr3420v2_tp_recovery.bin or wr841nv8_tp_recovery.bin (for v8.4); for v9 wr841nv9_tp_recovery.bin; for v10 wr841nv10_tp_recovery.bin; for v11 and v12 wr841nv11_tp_recovery.bin in the root directory of an TFTP server and start it. For v12 you still need a v12 firmware. Just the filename has to be named as a v11 device! 3. Power on the router while pressing the reset button until the lock LED is lighting up 4. Wait for the router to reboot https://openwrt.org/toh/tp-link/tl-wr841nd#tftp_recovery_via_bootloader_for_v8_ v9_v10 謝謝!!