※ 引述《Seventhsky (7th空)》之銘言:
: 兩個都是有名的YouTube腳本
: 因為Google即將正式上線的MD介面和舊介面差異過大
: 現在的腳本想對應MD介面修改難度過高
: YouTube Center 作者認為現有腳本架構本來就有問題
: YouTube Plus 作者也因為之前的GC下架事件必須改名
: 所以兩位開發者都決定直接砍掉重練開發MD介面的腳本
: YouTube Center > maia-yt(開發中名稱 正式版會改名)
: https://github.com/YePpHa/maia-yt
: YouTube Plus > Iridium
: https://github.com/ParticleCore/Iridium
: 現在兩個都還在Alpha中 所以請耐心等候正式版吧
YouTube Plus的MD版 = Iridium 結束Alpha版的開發
Core: minimally working alpha version
Core: create settings menu on its own local page
Core: save and load user settings
Core: import and export user settings
Core: reset user settings
Core: implement locales
Feature: autoplay control
Feature: disable ads on videos
Feature: toggle HFR (60fps) streams
Feature: change volume using the mouse wheel
Feature: default quality
Feature: thumbnail video preview
Feature: show the total number of uploaded videos by the video author
Feature: show the relative uploaded time of the video being watched
Feature: global video shortcuts
Feature: disable video annotations
Feature: mini player when scrolling down
Feature: mini player when navigating to different pages
Feature: default channel tab
Feature: youtube logo redirects to subscription or trending
Feature: blacklist videos from specific channels