想請問一下有報2020JUN Level 1 並且想延到2021FEB的大大們
我在5/12收到CFA的來信(re-registration invitation)
且上CFA官網 寫you are not currently registered for an upcoming exam.
請問有人有收到通知且註冊成功了嗎? 謝謝!!
※ 引述《kumabigu ()》之銘言:
: 大致說
: 1.下禮拜可以收到註冊邀請
: 2.考試日期課選擇2020/12或者2021/02
: 3.考年底的明年6月可考2級;考明年2月的2級要等到2022
: As communities around the globe continue to adjust to the profound effects of th
: Today, I am pleased to provide additional details about how you can continue you
: All June 2020 Level I candidates have the option of registering for one of the n
: Candidates sitting in December will receive results and still have time to conti
: We know you may have questions and therefore, have created a source of additiona
: Thank you for your patience as we worked through the logistics of exam deferrals
: Wenviteouoisit our websiterontactso learn more and stayonnected.
: Best wishes to you and youramilies.
: Sincerely
: Margaretranklin, CFAPresident and CEO, CFAnstitute