今天要登入的時候發現steam boiler 已經進入ERA6
所以我登進去看了一下 還剩下四天多 他們就會一個新的輪迴
大家玩了一陣子 都是從中間開始玩 應該已經差不多了解遊戲內容
要不要大家一起跳過去 選同一個城市 開一兩個公會 然後分配一下城市資源
At Rail Nation you're going through six different eras. After these six eras
the mysterious end game starts.
City ranking
As soon as the six eras are finished the rankings are being recalculated and
a ranking of cities is being created. The top ten cities, who're developed
the furthest are now in the process of being developed to a mega city. When
there are multiple cities who have achieved the same development level, the
city that reached this the first gets added to the mega cities list.
When the end game has started the first city will be changed into a mega city
and the other cities will change accordingly during time and leveling. Do
note that the list of runner up cities can change depending on whether how
fast they level up. For example, the number three city can level up faster
than the number two city and thus switching places before they are developed
into a mega city.
Mega cities and goods
During the end game the mega city needs certain goods. Each mega city needs
twelve goods simultaneously. When a specific good is filled the next one will
be available.
Players and prestige bonus
The players and associations that deliver the highest amount of a specific
good receive a very special prestige bonus.
How long is the end game?
The end game is finished when a mega city has received all of it's necesary
goods. The end game has no specific time setting, it depends on how fast the
players deliver. The final ranking is the ranking shown when the end game is
Additional information about the end game
In the closed beta version all of the tracks were laid down free for each and
every player. This is not the case anymore. There won't be tracks available
for you, you need to lay them down yourselfs.
When your city is a mega city you're not obligated to deliver the goods or
participate in the end game. The normal game play is still available to you.
By competing in the end game you're able to get a high amount of prestige
though so keep that in mind. Due to this the end game can create big shifts
in the ranking list. The number one might not be the number one anymore after
the end game.
When the end game is finished the server will be closed for a couple of days.
Do note that there's always a possibility of a delay when there are problems
occuring. The accounts will be stored and you can join up for a new round.
You can log in with your e-mail and choose a new avatar and city at the
start. Any gold that was left on your old account will be available to you at
the new round.
We wish you lots of fun and luck playing the end game of Rail Nation!
簡單來說 ERA6結束後 會依照排名出來十個城市?
然後每個城市需要十二個資源 哪個城市先把它運完 就結束了
沒有一定的時間 就看玩家什麼時候想把它運完
運完後需要幾天伺服器才會重新開啟 痛苦會過去 金幣會留下