ID5 (誤會 XD)
2003-04-02 00:06:13※ 引述《Hatred (stupidity)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《windperson (Fire! Valkyrie!)》之銘言:
: : ATLAS,果真是at last,依舊compile不出來....-.-||||
: : 不過大概是因為在Windows底下的關係@@
: 什麼是ATLAS @@"
我猜是這個: [math/atlas]
The ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) project is
an ongoing research effort focusing on applying empirical techniques
in order to provide portable performance.
要不然是這個: [devel/atlas]
This library implements the Atlas protocol, for use in client-server
game applications. This library is suitable for linking to either
clients or servers.