[情報] PhD studies in UC Merced

作者: yangchihyuan (威利)   2011-12-02 07:56:04
PhD studies in Computer Vision at University of California, Merced
I am looking for one or two PhD students to start in summer or
fall 2012, in the general area of computer vision. Specific interests
include object detection, object tracking, object recognition, object
segmentation, online appearance model, human motion analysis (tracking
and pose estimation), vision-based human computer interaction, visual
learning, feature extraction, visual search, and related areas.
Highly motivated PhD students will work on vision projects and publish
their work in the leading conferences (e.g., CVPR, ICCV, ECCV and
NIPS) and journals (e.g., PAMI, IJCV and CVIU). Students will be
funded by teaching or research assistantships.
Desired qualifications:
- Highly motivated individual with MS degree in CS, EE, Math or
related areas.
- Strong mathematical skills (multivariate calculus, matrix algebra,
probability and statistics, optimization, information theory, etc.).
- Strong programming ability in Matlab and C++.
For further information:
- My research work: http://faculty.ucmerced.edu/mhyang.
- EECS graduate group at UC Merced: http://eecs.ucmerced.edu.
- Application procedure: http://graduatedivision.ucmerced.edu.
- Application deadline: January 15, 2012.
The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) graduate group
at UC Merced consists of 8 core faculty, 25 PhD students and several
MS students. The group has collective interests in machine learning,
computer vision, speech processing, computer graphics, robotics,
sensor networks, intelligent systems and computational neuroscience,
among others. UC Merced is the tenth campus of the University of
California and the first American research university built in the
21st century. It is located in the California Central Valley, at one
hour drive from the Yosemite National Park and two hours from San
Prospective students are encouraged to contact me with full curriculum
vitae (with representative publications, references, research
experience, GPA, class rank, test scores, coursework and web site).
Ming-Hsuan Yang
Assistant Professor
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California, Merced
5200 North Lake Road
Merced, CA 95344
Phone: (209) 228-4677
[email protected]

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