Re: Homework 2-2 (1) ?

作者: biconnect   2005-10-04 23:16:53
I think the (1) is mean the SVM without \xi
ie. min ( 1/2 w^T w) s.t y_i( w^T x_i +b) >= 1, i = 1...l
and (2) is the SVM which has C and \xi.
※ 引述《mengjia (...新人)》之銘言:
: I recorded that
: (1) Give examples and C so that different opt solutions happen.
: IF C is increased, will (2)'s sol go back to (1)'s?
: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: This (2) means HW2-2(2) or HW2-1 ?
: This (1) means HW2-1 or HW2-2(1) ?
: I didn't hear that clearly. May someone explain that again ... ?
: Thanks.

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