"The perfect tennis player of the future will be the girl hitting the ball as
hard as Serena, having variety of shots like Agnieszka and running as fast as
Sara. There was a moment that Kvitova was getting closer to that - she had
power and finesse and she was even moving well. However then she was slimmer
than today. She got injured and everything changed. Today she's not the same
person that won Wimbledon and YEC in 2011."
「女網未來的完美球員雛型是像小威那樣擊球勢大力沉, 和Aga一樣有變化, 及移位速度
媲美Errani的女孩。Kvitova曾經很接近 - 她擁有力量, 技巧, 且移位出色。不過當時她
比現在苗條許多。之後她受傷病所苦, 一切都改變了。」
今年對Petra來說確實是非常另人失望的一年, 希望她賽季結束後能努力調整。
她看起來應該蠻念舊的, 這個教練畢竟也帶她拿下溫網, 不過如果瓶頸持續, 或許可考慮
Photo with Aga http://tinyurl.com/8dnyh7g