[澳網] Berdych四強賽訪

作者: uforock   2014-01-23 21:34:21
Thursday, 23 January, 2014
Q. You won 142 points and Stan won 143. Does it make it any harder when
it's so close?
TOMAS BERDYCH: Basically doesn't matter. Just show how the result was
close. That's it.
You know, I mean, I just saw the statistic right quickly after I came back.
As you said, it's been by one point and one break, that's it.
Q. What did you feel was the difference out there tonight?
TOMAS BERDYCH: Well, I mean, if I would feel the difference then I would be
nearly a genius. As you said, the match was extremely even and it was really
so close.
It's really hard to find what could be the difference. I mean, we both play
great. We play a good match. Stan was the one that just took it, and that's
Q. Harder time than usual reading his serve?
TOMAS BERDYCH: Well, I mean, I got one. I made a chance to break him;
didn't happen. He made just only one which definitely decide the match. You
know, that's it.
No, I didn't have a problem with that. Serving great. Serving a lot of
aces. No, definitely not.
Q. Do you feel on another day it could have been your match? Do you think
that way?
TOMAS BERDYCH: No, I don't. I definitely don't think like that. I'm a guy
who lives in the present time. This theoretic speaking, that's not my style,
so I'm not going to give you the answer for that. I don't know it.
Q. You used to buy watches every time you had a big result here. Is this a
watch worthy tournament, making semis?
TOMAS BERDYCH: No, I mean, well, this is really what is not part of the, I
don't know, like the press conference right after the match.
I have other feelings going through my mind and you just coming with a
question like that. Really, I don't know what to say about it.
Q. What do you take, if anything, out of the match tonight?
TOMAS BERDYCH: It was a very good match. I play very well. I build the
tactics and the game plan on my strength. It was working pretty good. You
know, just there was one thing that I miss, and it was my service game in the
first set.
Other than that, you know, I was able to play aggressive, not to do that many
mistakes, you know, attacking Stan, especially after those slices backhands.
Basically the game plan was working nearly perfect. But, you know, just the
tiebreak is always a big lottery, and he was the lucky one today.
Q. Do you remember the last time you played such a close match?
TOMAS BERDYCH: Well, I mean, I'm starting to get quite annoyed with the
matches losing in tiebreaks. I'm not pretty good in that. I can give you
quite many examples of losing matches in tiebreaks.
I need to improve that, definitely.
Q. You've played Stan quite a few times in the past year. Do you feel he's
improved every time you've played him?
TOMAS BERDYCH: Of course. I said that many times. I can just repeat the
same thing: It's the player who made the biggest improvement of his game in
the last year.
When he starts to work with Magnus his tennis is really, really a different
level. You can see it on the results. Really there is no question about it.

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