Phoenix police: Suspect unarmed when killed by officer
※ 引述《b9702025 (暑假螞蟻觀察日記)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《s386644187 (痕風幻滅)》之銘言:
: : http://i.imgur.com/Zbvsn5R.jpg
: : 人被殺,就會死
: 補充:
: 根據推文去查了一下這家「新聞台」,有人說是假新聞
: However, this article is nothing but fiction; and its source, NewsWatch33, is
: a fake news site that coincidentally appeared on the scene just after the
: very similar NewsWatch28 fake news site apparently shut down — likely a
: switch intended to keep its operators one step ahead of Facebook’s clampdown
: on purveyors of hoaxes.
: 所以看看科科笑就好↓
: 原本以為是PS的圖,找了一下真有新聞
: https://goo.gl/yhgoQj
: 亞利桑那州鳳凰城的17歲少年被老媽發現死在房間
: 這名少年叫 Marcus Davenport
: 在Youtube開頻道,並因試玩遊戲、Call Of Duty而聞名
: 警方調查,由於XboxOne的系統錯誤,
: 導致光碟槽彈射的光碟片高速劃過他的喉嚨
: 老媽:我兒子很乖,也很喜歡打電動