Layase (å°é›·17æ²)
2015-12-04 16:00:16https://www.vg247.com/2015/12/04/the-game-awards-2015-winners/
Game of the Year
Fallout 4
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
Super Mario Maker
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Developer of the Year
Bethesda Game Studios
CD Projekt Red
From Software
Kojima Productions
Best Shooter
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Destiny: The Taken King
Halo 5: Guardians
Star Wars Battlefront
(從缺= =?)
Best Action-Adventure Game
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
Batman: Arkham Knight
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
Ori and the Blind Forest
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Best RPG
Fallout 4
Pillars of Eternity
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Best Fighting Game
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign
Mortal Kombat X
Rise of Incarnates
Rising Thunder
Best Sports/Racing Game
Forza Motorsport 6
NBA 2K16
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
Rocket League
Best Multiplayer
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Destiny: The Taken King
Halo 5: Guardians
Rocket League
Best Indie Game
Axiom Verge (Tom Happ)
Her Story (Sam Barlow)
Ori and the Blind Forest (Moon Studios/Microsoft Studios)
Rocket League (Psyonix)
Undertale (tobyfox)
Best Family Game
Disney Infinity 3.0
Lego Dimensions
Skylanders SuperChargers
Super Mario Maker
Best Mobile or Handheld Game
Downwell (Moppin/Devolver Digital)
Fallout Shelter (Bethesda)
Lara Croft Go (Square Enix)
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Capcom)
Pac-Man 256 (Hipster Whale/Bandai Namco)
Best Narrative
Her Story
Life is Strange
Tales From the Borderlands
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Until Dawn
Best Art Direction
Batman: Arkham Knight
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
Ori and the Blind Forest
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Best Score or Soundtrack
Fallout 4 (Inon Zur)
Halo 5: Guardians (Kazuma Jinnouchi)
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain (Justin Burnett, Ludvig Forssell, Daniel
Ori and the Blind Forest (Gareth Coker)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Marcin Przybylowicz, Mikolai Stroinski)
Best Performance
Ashly Burch – Chloe Price (Life is Strange)
Doug Cockle – Geralt (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
Mark Hamill – The Joker (Batman: Arkham Knight)
Camilla Luddington – Lara Croft (Rise of the Tomb Raider)
Viva Seifert (Her Story)
Games for Change
Cibele (Nina Freeman)
Her Story (Sam Barlow)
Life is Strange (Dontnod Entertainment)
Sunset (Tale of Tales)
Undertale (tobyfox)
Industry Icon Award – Westwood Studios co-founders Brett Sperry and Louis
Fan Choices
Most Anticipated Game
Horizon Zero Dawn
No Man’s Sky
Quantum Break
The Last Guardian
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Best Fan Creation
GTA 5 – Targets (Hoodoo Operator)
Real GTA (Corridor Digital)
Portal Stories: Mel (Prism Studios)
Super Mario Maker e-Reader Levels (Baddboy78/theycallmeshaky)
Twitch Plays Dark Souls (Twitch Community)
Trending Gamer
Christopher “MonteCristo” Mykles
Greg Miller
Total Biscuit
eSports Categories
Game of the Year
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Dota 2
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
League of Legends
Player of the Year
Peter “ppd” Dager (Dota 2 – Evil Geniuses)
Syed Sumail “Suma1L” Hassan (Dota 2 – Evil Geniuses)
Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer (CS:GO – Fnatic)
Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok (League of Legends – SK Telecom T1)
Kenny “KennyS” Schrub (CS:GO – Team EnVyUs)
Team of the Year
Evil Geniuses
Optic Gaming
SK Telecom T1
Team SoloMid
跟大部分人猜的一樣 果然是巫師三...經典之作
作者: fate9999 (bear) 2015-12-04 16:09:00
巫師三 神作!!!!!!!! 但是MSGV、Fallout4也都很讚
Sischill (Believe or not)
2015-12-04 16:13:00fo4早點出其實也沒有什麼機會 主要今年tw3太強了 bgs如果想拿獎的話fo4可能要好幾個大改版才行
kesamia (素材整理破百小時..)
2015-12-04 16:14:00Witcher3當之無愧 完成度最高
Sischill (Believe or not)
2015-12-04 16:21:00最讓我覺得奇怪的是best fighting game居然是魔宮X魔宮X明明連老外都吐到爆到底怎麼得獎的....
NCISAL (LilliemyWi-Fi)
2015-12-04 16:31:00Vainglory呢
Pegasus99 (天馬行空...的天馬)
2015-12-04 17:01:00竟然不是PewDiePie 這一定有問題XD
Kaken (← 看到他請催稿)
2015-12-04 19:03:00別的先不講,Undertale入圍..這有點強啊